Chapter 46: Christmas in Wisconsin (Part II)

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*** Tyler's POV ***

Matt's parents have been weird this time. There's no nicer way to say it; that's just the truth. I don't remember them being like this when I was here last summer, but this time around, they've been super cuddly with me and I keep catching his mom staring at me when she thinks I'm not looking.

I'm beginning to feel a little bit like those kids that get kidnapped by a witch and then she tries to eat them or whatever. Hansel and Gretel, I think? I guess that would make me Hansel and Aly Gretel, because they've been a little weird with her too. It's fine, though. I'd rather parents that are too cuddly versus parents that are too cruel and strict, and I'm a hugger too. It just was not at all what I expected.

On the third day here, most of Matt's aunts, uncles, and cousins leave. Only his Uncle Marty stays behind with his wife, Alice, and their son Christian. I like Christian, though. He reminds me of a blonde version of Matt. Matt's grandparents also stay behind, which Matt seems excited about. The grandparents apparently only come around once a year for the holiday gathering, and each year they pick one of their kids to go home with for a few days. This year, it's Matt's family.

Lucky us because his Grandpa Gabe is amazing. It's cold enough this year that he decides to take us up north to go ice fishing, and even Aly comes. Matt's mom and Aunt Alice decide to stay behind, which makes Aly the only woman to come along with us. Grandpa Gabe has seemed to like her from the start, but that only makes him like her more. And Matt seems to be soaking in all the attention his family has been giving her, appreciating how well she fits in here. Not surprisingly, his family wasn't all that fond of Jess, so this is a new experience for him.

Just as I'm sitting there on a folding camping chair and zoning out to the sight of my line swallowed up by the hole in the ice, relaxing and finally starting to understand that fishing isn't all about catching fish, Aly clears her throat beside me. The sound jolts me back to reality, but also makes me appreciate all over again the sight of this amazing woman who I'm lucky enough to have by my side. And then she says something unexpected.

"It occurs to me that Christmas is over, and all your human family has left now. So, now I'm just wondering when we're finally going to talk about what the Elders told you," she says, seeming to direct it to Grandpa Gabe.

Now I'm wondering if she's been doing that thing she does where she talks to other werewolves in her head, because she obviously knows some things Matt and I don't.

Christian looks as surprised as Matt and me, but Matt's dad and uncle squirm in their seats while Grandpa Gabe just chuckles, his eyes sparkling as he looks at Aly.

"There's the Alpha shining through," he remarks fondly. "No nonsense or beating around the bush. I respect that. And quite honestly, I've been wondering when we're going to have this chat, too."

He turns to Matt's dad and gives him a pointed, questioning look.

Mr. Taylor clears his throat and repositions himself in his seat.

"I, uh, I've just been waiting for the best time. I don't want it to interrupt our family time," he explains, but it sounds more like an excuse.

I know Aly, and I assume there is a reason why she chose now and with these people to confront them about whatever it is. If I had to wager a guess, it's because we can't run away. This must be intense.

"Alright, well, I'll get us started," Aly continues to push. "For those of you who may not be aware, I discovered that Matt was my mate years ago, and then this past summer we were reunited. At that time, I met Tyler, and was immediately drawn to him in ways I can't even explain. At this point, I've realized I'm meant to be with them both, and when I told my dad, he informed me that the Elders agree."

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