Chapter 23: The Invitation

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

"Matt told me he is about to have a conversation with Jessica that could result in them fighting and breaking up," I tell my mom over the phone.

After I got back from my talk with Matt, Ronnie was gone with her study group and I decided the best use of having the room all to myself would be to call my mom and update her about everything. She has been very supportive through all the heartache and anxiety, which doesn't surprise me since she has always been that way with me. I've never felt that I couldn't tell her anything I needed to get off my chest, and though she and Dad are close, she always seems to know when she can share with him and when it needs to stay just between us. That is why whenever something big happens, talking to her seems to be the first thing on my mind.

"Well, that's a big step in the right direction," my mom responds. "I can tell you feel conflicted about that, though."

"I do. My first reaction when he told me was absolute glee, but he pointed out that since his reason for talking to her is that he needs time and space to sort stuff out, that means he needs time and space from me, too. Which I understand, and I told him I would give it to him, but it definitely takes the excitement out of the idea that he might break up with her finally."

"Good for him. That's very mature and responsible of him to realize that he isn't ready to jump right into something with you."

"I know. I feel like even though it isn't immediately the result I want, it's still progress, and I'm glad he's finally realizing things."

"And you have decided that being with Matt is the result you want?"

"Well, yeah. I think so. As much as I tried to wrap my head around it, I just can't see myself letting him go. Especially since he is finally coming off the whole 'Jess is my everything and there is no one else for me' bit he was clinging to. I feel like this is the wrong time for me to jump into something else with someone else. I'm going to give him a little time and see what comes of it."

"Alright, makes sense. It's just unfortunate timing because I was going to say that you should invite Tyler to visit over Thanksgiving break."

"What? How? Dad would kill him."

She laughs, and I can picture the way she looks when she does it. I miss her so much. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break because I can't wait to see her, Ryan, and even my dad in person again.

"He would not. I wouldn't let him. I just thought that since you said you told him about us and he seemed receptive to it all, maybe it was time to take the next step and let him see what it's like here. But, if you're reconsidering him as a possible mate, then maybe that's not a good idea."

"Yeah, I mean, we are still friends and it's not like I've completely taken him off the list of possibilities. We're getting together tomorrow. I could ask him if he would be interested, even just to come visit as my friend. I think he would be curious to see what life is like for werewolves. I think the only thing that bothers him about it all is that he is not my mate."

"Which is understandable. Once you understand what mates are and how that bond works, it would be upsetting to have feelings for someone who is permanently bonded to someone else."

"I know. I'm just glad he seems to want to hang out again. I miss him, even if I can't say that I necessarily love him. I would love to be able to bring him home and show him around, though."

"I think we can make that happen. Just make sure he knows that he would be expected to train with the other young men. Even if you are still unsure, the fact that you are even considering him means that your dad is going to want to test him a bit, and maybe a bit extra because he doesn't like the idea of him."

"He's human, though. Even as a strong, fit human, he can't do most of what the other guys can."

"Your dad wouldn't make him do anything he can't or that would be too dangerous. But still, he is going to be expected to be there and do what he can do. I just know it. Make sure he does, too, otherwise don't even bother to bring him."

"I don't think Dad scares him, which is honestly one of his most impressive qualities."

She laughs again, and the sound of it warms me and helps me relax. We continue chatting about things back home for a few more minutes before I hang up and get busy with some of my homework. Ronnie would be so proud.

The next morning, I wake up early, probably from the excitement of finally seeing Tyler again. After I shower and change and kill as much time as I can doing nit-picky little chores around the room, I get impatient and text Tyler to invite him to a pre-workout breakfast.

I'm like six stairs from the door leading to your floor about to ask you the same thing, he responds.

I love how we always seem to be on the same wavelength. I quickly grab my gym bag, already packed, and head out to meet him. He's just opening the big wooden door to this section of the third floor when I get out there. Our eyes lock, and I drop my gym bag to run to him, crashing into him for a tight hug.

"I missed you," I tell his shoulder, which is where my face is smashed into.

"I missed you, too. I'm so sorry, Aly," he responds, his voice strained.

I look up into his face to see the genuine emotion there and reach up to stroke his cheek reassuringly.

"Don't be. I'm sorry about the situation, but your reaction was understandable. I hope this means we can move past it and still be friends, though?"

"Definitely," he agrees with a smile. "And I'm hungry, so hopefully this means we can head to the dining hall and scarf down some omelets."

I giggle and pick up my gym bag, following him back out the door and down all the stairs. He unconsciously reaches out to grab my hand as we're walking together toward the dining hall, and though I know I probably should, I don't pull away. It's not like friends can't hold hands. I hold Matt's hand sometimes, and Meredith's occasionally. And the fact is, I like the feel of his hand around mine.

Over breakfast, I tell him what my mom said about inviting him to visit the pack during break. His face lights up with excitement and he pushes back his chair and lunges for me for another hug.

After about his seventeenth kiss all over my face, and through my fits of laughter, I ask him, "So, is that a yes then?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want to come. I mean, I have to talk to my mom and make sure she's cool with it, but I almost don't even care." He leans down and adds in a whisper tone in my ear, "Werewolves are inviting me over, Aly. Duh, yes!"

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