Chapter 65: Part of the Pack

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*** Kane's POV ***

I can tell as soon as I step into Aly's room that Matt is in some serious pain that he's trying to hide. Why, I can only imagine. We're all well aware that he's been enduring one of the most painful processes a person can experience. He has to know that none of us will think less of him if he reacts to the pain.

The most curious part about it, though, is that he has been a step or two ahead of Tyler through the whole process, and considering that Tyler is now to the point where his senses are awakening, his voice has deepened, and the pain is receding somewhat, Matt should be to the point where his wolf is starting to awaken.

He should be able to feel another presence stirring around in his head and body by now. I don't understand why he hasn't, but he claims nothing has changed. And then it hits me what the new wave of pain could mean. If it's his head, that means he's fighting it. Andrea said she warned him about that, though. He should know what it means.

I'll have to talk to him about it once we're finished here. After a discussion with his parents, we decided to do a family joining and to do it privately. Taking all that into account, we also decided to just get it done and over with tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. Both boys are already starting to smell like werewolves, so they should be far enough along to become blood-bonded. And so that they can be as comfortable as possible, we've all gathered in Aly's room.

Andrea makes her way into the room carrying the ceremonial basin, which would normally sit on the special altar carved into the head of our pack's sacred gathering space, but this time it's going to rest on Aly's nightstand. I have the dagger looped into my belt, and there's already a nurse and Dr. Michaels here ready to step in if I'm wrong about how ready Matt and Tyler are for this. We have everything and everyone we need, so I guess that means it's time to get started.

"Normally this would be something we do outside, with the whole pack gathered, and there would be a long speech and plenty of pomp and circumstance, but we're going to skip all the unnecessary parts this time," I begin speaking, projecting my voice purely out of habit. I notice the way Matt is wincing and closing his eyes in pain and realize I'm probably being much louder than I need to be.

"And so that you boys can get the rest you need and deserve, we're just going to skip to the end, which is the important part anyway," I continue in a much softer tone and volume. "So, Gordon, if you could join me over here at our makeshift ceremonial altar, we can begin."

I point to the spot where I need him to stand, opposite of me next to the basin. Once he is within reach, I gesture for him to give me his hand. Then I clear my throat to make sure the Moon Goddess can hear and understand every word I utter next.

"I, Alpha Kane Bentley of New Horizon Pack, do welcome you and your kin, Gordon Taylor, to my clan, my hearth, and my home. My hand to your hand, my blood to your blood, I invite you all to my pack."

I release his hand momentarily, pulling the dagger from my belt and using it to slice cleanly across my open palm held over the ceremonial basin. I allow my blood to spill into it for a few moments, and then gesture for him to give me his hand again. He holds it over the basin, and I cut in the same manner across his palm. Then, we join our bloodied hands together and allow them to spill into the basin, blending his bloodline with my own and welcoming them to our pack.

"The blood that flows through my veins and through my pack is now joined to you, and you to us. Welcome to New Horizon," I declare.

We pull our hands apart, our wounds both already healing and shrinking in size. I can feel a new presence joining the others in my mind and body, and I know he should be feeling his connection opening with my pack. What I'm not certain of is whether I need to repeat this with his sons. Normally, just altering the sacred words to make it a family joining means that all the direct descendants of the person joining would be included, but Gordon's former rogue status could have affected how it works.

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