Chapter 58: The Witch

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

Ryan arrives at my dorm first thing Saturday morning. He is my dad's answer to the question of whether it might be risky to go see the possible witch with Ronnie. My dad had his investigative team do some digging into her to see if anything suspicious turned up, and though nothing did, he still wants me to take backup. My idea was to take Tyler and Matt, but Dad pointed out that neither of them can smell or sense the way werewolves can, so Ryan would be a better choice. That way I'll have a second set of senses and some backup werewolf strength, just in case. I don't disagree.

Ryan calls me when he arrives, waking me up. Even though I knew he would be coming, I didn't realize he was taking such an early flight.

"I'm downstairs," he tells me after I groggily answer my phone.

"I suppose you're expecting me to get out of bed and come let you in then," I tease him.

"Well, I mean, you don't have to, but I did drag myself out of bed basically in the middle of the night and get on a plane for you, so it would be nice."

I can hear the teasing smile in his voice, and despite just waking up, I can't help smiling in return.

"Be right down," I tell him, and then hang up.

Ronnie is already up and typing on her laptop, and she gives me a quizzical look as I'm carrying on my conversation with Ryan.

"Ryan's here," I explain, and she nods.

"Early. I like it. I can go let him in while you shower and change," she offers.

It seems sweet of her, but I know her ulterior motive is to get me ready to go sooner. Despite her claim that she doesn't like going home on the weekends, she seems to be eager this time. It's all she has talked about this week.

I come back from my shower to him sitting on my bed going through the photos on my phone. It's mostly shots of me and Tyler, plus some with Matt and even Trevor and Meredith. There are a few from before break with Ronnie and the dormies in them too. I don't mind him looking through them, he is my best friend after all, and I'd have done the same if the situation were reversed. We're not used to spending so much time separately. The photos are the least I can offer to him.

"Find anything blackmail-worthy?" I ask playfully, returning my shower caddie to its shelf in my closet.

"Mm, it depends. I might get a buck or two for these ones of you in the bikini. Otherwise, no, not so much. Seems you've been keeping your nose clean, kid."

"Yeah, I have to blend in. Can't be too scandalous, or people might figure me out."

"You make it sound like you're some sort of spy instead of just a werewolf," Ronnie points out with a giggle.

"I am," I deadpan at the same time that Ryan says, "She is," which just makes Ronnie laugh in the most adorable way. Ryan and I just shake our heads at each other, and he tosses me my phone.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a fun trip," she says once her laughing fit is over.

I think so too. It's been a while since I've done anything with Ryan, and I've never even been in a car with Ronnie before, so I'm looking forward to it. They wait as I finish getting myself together, and then we head downstairs. I offer for us to take my car and Ronnie gladly accepts.

"Mine is kind of small, so I don't even know where we would put him," she explains, gesturing to Ryan.

Yeah, the men in my life are tall and bulky. I really should take my cue from my dad and just drive an SUV as my daily vehicle to better accommodate them. But since I never listen, Ryan climbs into the back seat of my car and sits a little sideways so he can stretch out his legs, and Ronnie rides up front.

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