Chapter 66: The Archives

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*** Kane's POV ***

"I've heard you have a silver wolf on your hands now," Elder Stirling addresses me without even looking up from his book when I walk into his private study.

The strain and gravel of his voice is still the only indicator of his advanced age. Anyone listening to him can tell that his voice is tired from all his years of public speaking, one of the drawbacks of holding his coveted position for so long.

I'm surprised by how quickly the word of Matt's change has traveled all the way to Colorado, though. It only happened two days ago. But then it occurs to me how he most likely heard about it.

"I'm guessing Elder Gerard told you," I answer him, striding into the room and taking the seat opposite him in front of his desk.

"Of course, but he had no choice if he wished to visit your pack with my blessing. Otherwise, it could have looked a certain way when your daughter appeals to us for a reversal of our decision, a way that would do her no favors."

The knowing glint in his eye and his smirk of self-satisfaction show just how pleased he is with himself for sleuthing out why we're most likely here. It's not as impressive as he thinks it is, though. I'd have been disappointed if he hadn't figured it out. Why else would we suddenly have the urge to come all this way? And so soon after Matt's rogue father joined my pack.

I can see what he means, though, about Elder Gerard. Andrea and I decided that it might be good for Matt to speak with another silver wolf and maybe get some insight into his situation and some advice for how to connect with his wolf. He also needs a crash course in learning to cope with the sensory overload. The kids are returning to school at the end of the week, and we worry about how well he will be able to manage outside the security and privacy of our pack. Not to mention, I would hate for my insistence that they become werewolves and join the pack now instead of waiting until after graduation to derail all his hard work.

But despite Elder Gerard being the only person we know who can help him, we also knew it was a risk to involve him. He made it clear that Elder Stirling doesn't want him engaging with Aly on a personal basis while her mate situation is still up in the air. I'm glad Elder Gerard had the presence of mind to seek approval through the proper channels, though I do worry what the consequences of others finding out about Matt and Eli might be. Will it start some sort of conflict between my pack and Alpha Jesse when he learns that I've "poached" a silver wolf, his pack's namesake, right out from under him?

"Fair enough," I concede. "But I assume you appreciate the need for discretion, at least for now. I had no idea what sort of werewolf Matt would turn out to be when I invited his family to join my pack, but there are some who might hold it against me anyway."

"Certainly," Elder Stirling agrees, to my relief. "It's not my business to get involved in inter-pack conflicts, and that goes for the starting of them as well as the ending of them. The Elders will know of this development, but we are all quite practiced in keeping confidence. What happens with this information from this point forth is up to you and your pack."

"I appreciate that," I tell him gratefully.

He may currently be the thorn in my daughter's side, but I have never had any problems with him previously and never known him to be a meddler or troublemaker. I'm confident that he means what he says.

"But I will say this. I do hope you appreciate the magnitude of this development. I would have to search the records to be sure, but I've never heard of a situation like this happening before. Silver wolves are born, not made, and they're born to lineages that directly descend from other silver wolves. I can't explain to you how or why Matthew has received this gift."

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