Chapter 85: Arguing For Our Lives (Part II)

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

"Who are you?" I ask the strange man who has joined us in the elevator.

I didn't notice him before, but now that we've split into two small groups again, I can't help having my attention drawn to the extra addition. I vaguely remember seeing him in the conference room with us, so I know he's a friendly werewolf and am not particularly worried, but it does seem odd that he's here alone without any of his packmates.

"John Blaine, great-nephew and personal guard of Elder Benjamin," he introduces himself. "I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but I didn't feel like leaving the hotel with the rest of my group. I'd rather stay here with you guys, if that's alright."

The elevator dings as we reach the first floor, so I don't get a chance to respond to him until we've all exited the elevator and grouped up in the lobby.

"I'm fine with it, as long as Elder Benjamin and whoever is in charge of your group is okay with it too," I tell him finally, turning and waiting for the other elevator to bring Matt and the rest of our group down.

"Much appreciated, Miss Bentley. I must admit, it's quite an honor to finally have a chance to speak with you. I've heard a lot about you over the years," John tells me, side-glancing Tyler when he notices his glare.

"Are you one of the guys who's been breathing down her neck hoping to be her mate?" Tyler questions threateningly.

I notice John's eyes go wide and he takes a step back, bowing his head respectfully as he would if it were an Alpha challenging him. I have noticed that Tyler seems to have that sort of an effect on certain people, despite not being an Alpha. I think it's how his eyes turn black when he's agitated.

"No, sir. Even before she already had mates, the thought never would have crossed my mind. I'm just a warrior," John insists, not daring to raise his gaze as he addresses Tyler.

"Hey, back off," Marissa steps in, putting out a hand between Tyler and John and making it apparent that if Tyler crowds any further into his space, she intends to intervene.

"Believe it or not, there are some people who don't want Aly," she adds bitterly. Then she glances worriedly at John, a blush rising to her cheeks as she realizes how forward she's being.

He seems to appreciate her boldness, though, meeting her worried look with an amused yet approving smile. Though Tyler's outburst doesn't seem to bother her, John's friendliness does. She steps back and ducks behind where Caleb is standing with Devon, whose group has just joined us.

"Sorry," Tyler surprises John with an apology. "My wolf can randomly be a dick, and I'm not all that experienced at fighting him back yet."

"Understandable," John chuckles nervously, deciding to be brave and step toward Tyler to pat him on the side of his arm. "I heard the discussion about you being new to having a wolf, so I get it. You're doing great, considering. And if it's any consolation for your wolf, I've just found my own mate."

"Hey, congratulations," Tyler tells him as he reaches out to shake his hand. "I know that's a momentous occasion, and I'm genuinely happy for you."

"Yeah, thanks. Now I just need to convince her to accept me. She seems a bit distant and evasive, and I'm not really sure how she feels about it," John admits, trying to maintain his smile though his nerves are shining through.

I get it, though. I remember my fear and anxiety about getting Matt to accept me, so I know what he's going through.

With that in mind, I tell him, "If there's anything we can do to help, don't hesitate to ask."

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