Chapter 77: Overcompensating

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

"Did you notice anything off about Meredith?" I ask Matt as we're getting ready for bed on our first night back.

I'm asking him because his senses are better than any of the other werewolves in the apartment with us. I noticed her scent is different than I remember, and that coupled with the way Devon was sniffing her earlier makes me wonder if she might be pregnant. Devon's mother has had eight pups and he's the oldest, so I'm guessing he would know the scent of a pregnant woman better than any of us. Then again, Meredith is human, so maybe that confuses things a bit.

"You mean her upset stomach? It is weird, but I couldn't say what caused it," Matt answers, pulling on his sweatpants.

"I mean her scent. Does she smell different to you?"

"Everyone smells different to me," he laughs. "Even you and Tyler. I couldn't say whether she suddenly smells different until I get used to how she smells in the first place."

"Fair enough," I concede. "Well, she smells a little different to me, and Devon was acting weird about her earlier, so I thought maybe there was something to it."

Tyler comes out of the bathroom after his shower clutching a trash bag and grumbling about something under his breath. Matt and I sit and watch him, trying not to laugh, until he turns to us with a devilish smirk and lunges for me on the bed.

"Oh, you think it's funny that I just had to throw out all that stuff I spent good money on?" he says as he's tickling me.

"I tried to warn you," I force out between breaths.

"Yeah, well, I'm using your shampoo and body wash until your mom's care package gets here," he declares. "You were right. Human stuff stinks. Why in the world did you ever put up with that? I would have stopped using it ages ago if I had known."

"The things we do for those we love," I shrug. "I got used to it. You liked it, and you should be able to choose how you smell."

"Aly," Matt says from behind me, and I can feel him tugging me backward to him.

I turn and see that he's all tucked in and ready for bed, which is probably a good thing. Our first class of the morning will be upon us before we know it. I lie back and cuddle up to him, and Tyler joins us shortly after.

The next morning, I wake to the sound of Meredith retching in the bathroom next to Tyler's and wonder if I shouldn't say something to her about my suspicions. I just don't want to get her and Trevor all worked up over nothing, but it's looking more and more like it's not nothing. Later this afternoon, I vow to myself. She's miserable enough at the moment.

I also remind myself to swing by and visit Ronnie after our ethics class is over. I texted her yesterday to tell her I wouldn't be back to our room just yet, but I'm dying to see her by this point. I know Matt has some free time too so we can go together. Well, us and our two escorts.

Oh man, I wonder what the ladies of 3-East will do with the sight of me with three hot guys who aren't Tyler. But I suppose in the end, it doesn't matter what they think of me. I won't even be here much longer.

With all my plans in order, I work on finally sitting up to greet the day. This is the hardest part of being poisoned with wolfsbane, judging by how it went yesterday. Lying down all night seems to make it so that in the morning I feel sluggish and heavy with a killer headache that makes it hard to see straight.

But to my relief, it isn't as bad this morning. My side still aches and throbs, but that heavy, sluggish feeling is much improved, and the headache is dull and barely there. Thank goodness! Sitting through ethics class first thing in the morning is bad enough on its own.

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