Chapter 70: Changed Mates

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

It's Friday evening by the time Dad and I make it back from Moon Shadow, just in time to take a quick shower and join the pack for dinner. Mom and Ryan meet us in the kitchen, both seeming pretty excited to see us.

"Don't you go leaving me ever again," she scolds Dad.

He grins and pulls her against him for a gropey embrace. This is the same routine they go through every single time he has to leave her behind with the pack, and it's just as gross as it was the first time I saw it.

"You have a couple of mates who will be beyond glad that you're back," Ryan tells me, pulling me to him for a hug. "They've been moping around ever since you left."

"Well, why aren't they here?" I wonder. It does seem odd that Mom told Ryan we were arriving soon, but not Matt and Tyler.

"I didn't know how they would react," Mom answers. "Publicly, I mean. Matt has been alright, just really quiet and reserved, but Tyler ... well, let's just say that as time went on, he got less and less able to be around people. Irritable, angsty, and for the past day and night, mostly spending his time beating on things at the gym. They haven't been sleeping, either. We've been giving them a wide berth and biding the time until you got back because I know that's what their problem is."

My dad has perked up and entered Alpha mode with this line of conversation, seeming quite interested and concerned about the guys' behavior. I know he must feel partially responsible since he was the one who wanted to change them into werewolves now instead of waiting until the summer, and I hope he is also worried about how I'm supposed to take my mates back to school and let them be around humans. I know I am.

"Did they give Elder Gerard any problems?" he asks.

Yeah, I suppose that is concerning too. Mom was hosting an Elder here while we were gone and my mates were acting strangely. I'm sure that's not going to do me any favors at my appeal.

"Not too much," is her reply, much to my relief. "The first day they were fine, and yesterday was alright, but today Elder Gerard decided to postpone working with them any further until Aly returned. He understands what the issue is, so I don't think you have anything to worry about there. He does hope that you will have some time to work with him and the boys tomorrow, though, Aly."

"Yeah, of course," I agree without question. I'm just glad I didn't miss the chance entirely. Whatever insights he has about Matt and his wolf, I'm all ears and eager to do what I can.

"You should probably get upstairs and check in on them," Ryan suggests. Then he gives me a lopsided grin and comes in for another hug.

I know this week has been rough for him too. I've been around, but not available to visit with him since we were so preoccupied with my mates changing. And then I left. I've missed him like crazy, so I happily hug him back.

We hear a loud, low, threatening growl coming from just outside the door that leads to the main hallway. Tyler comes barging in, rushing over to us and ripping me away from Ryan. He's snarling at Ryan by this point and pulls me closely against him so that my face is smushed up into his neck.

"Hands off," he growls, turning so that Ryan no longer has access to me.

I feel another set of hands gently gripping both of my arms from behind, and know from his scent that it's Matt. Now I'm basically trapped between them, and no one else has access to me. Tyler is holding me so tightly I can't really look around much either. Has he grown taller since I last saw him? Broader for sure. Or maybe that happened during his change and I'm just now noticing because of my position.

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