Chapter 81: Alpha's Marks

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

In the morning, I wake up to a strange feeling. I can tell it's Mari I'm sensing, but it's like nothing I've ever experienced from her before.

Are you ... purring? I can't help but question her.

I'm quite insulted by that insinuation, Alison, she retorts, offense definitely taken.

My name's not Alison?

And wolves don't purr.

Okay, sorry. Vibrating with contentment, then. Are you vibrating with contentment, Mari?

She refuses to respond to me, and I can feel her sulking, but even through all that, I can still sense her contented energy. It's amazing how different she seems now that the Alpha in her finally got her way and claimed her mates for all to see. Gone is the angry, agitated, edgy Mari, and now in her place is this serene, calm, contented version of her in my mind.

I can't say that I blame her, though. I feel different now that we've marked them too. Maybe it's not even her that's vibrating. It could be me, for all I know. The electric sensation of my connection to my mates finally being sealed and completed still surges through me, even so many hours after. I wonder if it will always feel this good? I'm noticing that even the dull ache in my side is improved now.

What's really strange is how I can sense them. I not only feel with my body that Matt is lying next to me on the right while Tyler is sprawled to the left, but I can sense it in some primal part of my mind. Without even testing it, I know that I will always have some sense of where they are in relation to me even when I can't feel or see their physical presence. It's like I'm a compass with two true norths. I can only imagine how disturbing it will feel when they're not right next to me, though. Now I understand why my mom gets so agitated whenever my dad has to leave her behind for pack business.

I turn my head to the right so I can admire my mark on Matt's neck. I feel that Mari is tuning into it right along with me, gloating and proud about the size of it and admiring how elegantly it contrasts with his skin. I breathe out the faintest, gentlest stream of air I can manage, wondering if he'll be able to feel it on his mark. I grin when I see him shudder for a moment, the serious expression on his sleeping face replaced with a soft smile.

"Having fun?" I hear as well as feel Tyler whisper lowly, his face hovering just above my ear.

Apparently, I was so focused on Matt that I failed to notice him shifting around beside me. Impressive fail of attention, considering how many ways I'm in tune to him now.

I turn my head back to meet his gaze and grin sheepishly, knowing I've been caught.

"It's not nice to disturb the sleep of someone who struggles with sleep," he accuses, though his smirk and sparkling eyes betray him.

Rather than answer his accusation, I greet him with a simple, sleepy, "Morning," instead.

"Morning, mate," he returns my greeting, and it's my turn to shudder.

Something about hearing him call me his mate stirs something deep inside of me, reigniting that electric feeling with a new surge of pleasant tingling. It also hits me for a second how remarkable it is that we're here now, marked and mated, when only a few months ago he was heartbroken to learn about mates and that he couldn't be mine. What a wild journey we've been on these past months.

I carefully maneuver myself so that I can turn and face Tyler, trying not to disturb Matt in the process. Taking in Tyler's bright eyes and smile for a moment before I do or say anything, I can't help beaming back at him. I know he can feel the connection the same way I do, so I know what he's smiling about.

He leans in to kiss me, slowly so that he can taste me, before giving my bottom lip one last swipe of his tongue and pulling away.

"How's Mari doing today?" he wonders, rolling over onto his back so I can cuddle up to his chest.

Sensing her glee in response to his concern about her specifically, I allow her the chance to come forward and answer him herself.

"Much better," she tells him, changing my voice to a lower, silkier tone.

I could swear that even the way she speaks to him sounds more like a purr than anything, but I don't bother to tell her that. She's happy, and I'm not about to tease her for that.

He smirks at me, seeming to appreciate that she answered him directly. Oddly enough, I can sense the way it makes Zeke stir excitedly. It's not the same as how I can sense Mari, more like a vague recognition of his presence and how he's feeling, but it's there. That's new. I kind of want to call my mom and ask if that's how it is for her with my dad.

"So, what are we going to do about Marissa?" he asks, seemingly out of nowhere.

Mari balks slightly about him so abruptly changing his focus from her to Marissa, so I take a moment to remind her that it makes sense that he would connect her mood to her relationship with Marissa. After all, she has been agitated about the girl most of the week.

"I suppose that's up to her," I finally respond to him. "I'm not going to push. She knows Matt likely figured out something pertaining to her, and I already invited her back to talk, so I feel like the ball is in her court now."

"Yeah, fair," he agrees, considering it for only a moment before he adds, "So, breakfast then?"

I can't help chuckling at how quickly his mind is flipping topics, knowing that now he is referring to the extended buffet breakfast offered until late at the dining hall today, which is pretty much our Sunday morning/afternoon routine and has nothing at all to do with Marissa. I do feel a bit famished after the night we had, so that sounds perfect.

"Yep, just give me a minute to tie up my bedhead and toss on some pants."

"I'm coming too," Matt grumbles from beside me, not even bothering to move or open his eyes yet.

I reach out and stroke his leg affectionately as I'm crawling out of the bed after Tyler, who has moved on to retrieving our Sunday slippers from his closet.

"Well then you'd better hurry. Mari is already licking her chops at the thought of all the bacon we're about to eat, so I don't think she's feeling particularly patient," I warn him.

He chuckles softly and stretches, opening his eyes to watch me fight to get my hair up without showering first. It's Sunday. Hygiene comes after breakfast on Sundays.

"I'm right behind you," he assures me, finally rolling around and making an effort to leave the warm, cozy bed.

I groan when my phone starts ringing on the nightstand, my gut telling me that whoever is calling is about to interrupt our breakfast plans. It's an unknown number that shows on the screen when I make my way over to pick it up, and an uneasy feeling comes over me. I don't like the fact that some stranger is calling me now of all times.

"Hello?" I answer hesitantly.

As if he can sense my unease, Tyler wraps an arm around me from behind, and I lean against him to soak in the sense of protection and reassurance he is offering.

"Alyssa? This is Elder Stirling," comes the gravelly response on the other end, making my stomach turn nervously in an entirely different way.

There's only one reason I can think of why he would be calling me. It's exciting, but I also can't help the wave of dread and anxiety that hits me along with the realization that it's finally here. I know he's about to tell me when and where I can meet the Elders to make my argument for the appeal. Am I ready? I guess we're about to see.

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