Chapter 32: Exactly What He Needs Right Now

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

"Tyler isn't here right now. He's got class," Trevor tells me after he opens the door to their apartment.

"No, I know. I'm actually here to see Matt," I respond as I step into the living room with him.

He wasn't in class this morning, which has never happened before. Finding myself unable to function until I find out what's going on, I headed right over after class let out.

"Oh, okay. Uh, I don't know if that's a good idea. He's been ..." Trevor's eyes light up as he shifts from awkward and uncertain to looking like he just had an idea. "You know what? Nevermind. Maybe you're exactly what he needs right now. He's in his room," he tells me before returning to the dining table where he has all kinds of papers spread out.

I take that as my cue to see myself in and head down the hall to Matt's room. I know where it is, but I've never been inside it, so this is actually a little strange. I wonder if this is how he felt when he walked me to my dorm yesterday, which I suppose would explain some of the awkwardness. The rest is probably just because that's how he is.

I knock lightly on the doorframe instead of just barging in. I see his form in the bed under the blankets and wonder if he's sick or something.

"What?" he says with a hint of irritation.

"It's me," I tell him softly from the doorway. "Missed you in class today."

"Oh. Yeah, I didn't feel like dealing with psych today," he says without rolling over or moving at all, still facing away from me.

I drop my backpack on the floor near the door and step into his room, wanting to see his face as we talk. I walk to the far side of the bed and notice that his eyes follow me as soon as he can see me, but he still doesn't move. He hasn't told me to get out yet, so I take a chance and get into the bed with him, lying down so we're facing each other.

"Didn't feel like dealing with psych or didn't feel like dealing with me?" I ask softly, drinking in his full appearance. He looks like he had a rough night and has possibly been crying. His hair is a mess, and his eyes look tired and a little puffy.

His features soften, and a hand reaches out of the blanket to touch my cheek. "It's not you, Aly. I've just been in a funk this morning, and I figured that since the professor in that class never takes attendance anyway, it wouldn't hurt to miss one lecture. I'll probably need to borrow your notes, though, if you don't mind."

"Yeah, sure. And since I'm already here, you can also tell me what's on your mind that has you in such a funk."

He chuckles and the first hint of a smile appears. "First, get in here," he demands, unwrapping himself slightly and holding his blankets open for me to join him.

I see that his chest is bare and try not to just lie there gawking. It's not that it's particularly impressive because I notice he's actually a little bit soft, but it is the first time I've seen that much of his bare skin. It doesn't bother me that he isn't ripped and muscular. I just like seeing parts of him that are new to me.

"You're not naked in there, are you?" I pretend to be bothered by the thought, wrinkling my nose.

He grins and lunges for me, grabbing me and pulling me under the blankets with him. "Find out for yourself," he teases.

He's not. He has shorts on. I am glad to see him smiling, though, and even happier to be invited to cuddle. I squirm around to get settled under the covers with him and relish in the feel of his body next to mine. I've never had this much direct, full-bodied contact with my mate before and the sensations are a bit overwhelming for the first few seconds.

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