Chapter 63: Spring Break

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

As the cold and snow begin to recede and signs of Spring start appearing, that can only mean one thing: midterms. And spring break, but mostly midterms. For the first weeks of March, that's all any of us can think about. Our professors have made sure of that.

During my first semester of college, I was able to breeze through my classes and still get A's just by doing the assignments and paying attention in class. No studying, no stress. But this ethics course Matt got me into is something else entirely. On the surface it seems simple, but every time our class meets to discuss the assigned reading, I feel so lost. None of these people seem to think the same way I do, and it has me stressing about what I'm doing wrong.

The professor's feedback on my papers and assignments is encouraging, complimenting me for out-of-the-box thinking and creative responses, but that also worries me. I never mean to be creative. I always write what seems like the obvious response to whatever ethical or moral question or theory we're delving into that week, so it shouldn't come off as groundbreaking. I don't know how I could possibly pass an exam catered to standard responses when so far, my responses seem to have been anything but standard.

So, here I am in the library with Matt on a Sunday night stressing about our ethics midterm in the morning. He doesn't seem to be feeling any better about it than I am. Worse, probably, considering that he actually intends to earn a degree here. I'm only here for the extra time with my mates, and yet I do feel a certain sense of responsibility. If I'm here, and I'm doing something, I might as well do well at it. I don't half-ass anything.

But, inevitably, I get bored. I stare at the page I've been reading over for what seems like an hour and start smiling to myself when my brain comes up with a joke that is more silly than funny, but it entertains me in the moment.

"Immanuel Kant, whose last name looks like it should be pronounced 'can't' but instead it sounds like –" I start to whisper, but Matt cuts me off.

"Don't say it," he scolds me, which only makes me giggle.

"Sorry," I apologize, though I'm not really. It's this textbook's fault for being so boring. I'm sure there's a better way to talk to me about philosophy.

He gives me a knowing smirk, and then slams his book closed.

"Alright, we've been here for hours, and you're obviously done. Can't say I disagree. Let's go."

We gather our things and head out of the library hand-in-hand. He walks me to my dorm before we part ways so that he can go home and hopefully get some rest. Morning always seems to come too soon when there's a class to get to first thing, and our professor is very strict about denying late admissions to exams.

With that in mind, the next morning I leave earlier than I usually do and stop for coffee and bagels. I buy a full baker's dozen of the bagels, grab lots of options for cream cheese and spreads and toss them in the bag, and take four to-go cups of coffee in a cardboard carrier to surprise the guys with breakfast at their apartment. I want to make sure Matt isn't late to class so that he doesn't miss our midterm exam, and that his belly is full and his brain is as alert as it can be.

The look on Tyler's face when he opens the door to find me and his breakfast waiting for him is enough to confirm that I did good here. He grins and takes the bag from me, guiding me inside and to the dining table to deposit all the goodies. Then he lunges at me for a bear hug and no fewer than six excited kisses.

"Best surprise ever," he exclaims and then pulls away from me to dig into the bagel bags. "We don't have anything quick to eat on hand here, so I was about to see if I could run to the dining hall and shovel something in my face. I don't think I would have had time, though."

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