Chapter 18: 11 Girls and a Guy

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

I haven't been to any college parties since the one during Welcome Weekend, but this upcoming weekend falls right before Halloween and Tyler invited me to a massive costume party kegger one of his friends is throwing. I can tell he really wants to go, so of course I said yes. I think what has him so excited is the costume element of it all because he has been texting me almost nonstop for two weeks now with ideas about couple's costumes.

Thursday night he shows up at my dorm room, his arms loaded with several bags. He bursts into the room as soon as I open the door and deposits all his stuff on my bed, then turns to me and wraps his arms around me, leaning down for a kiss.

"I have to hold you tight, so you don't try to get away when I tell you about my genius idea," he says. I like how his eyes are sparkling with excitement. It reminds me of when he tells me about his art and his classes with Izzy.

"Uh-oh, what genius idea?" I tease, looking over all the stuff he threw on my bed. It looks like some clothes and I'm not sure what else.

"I figured out our costume. We're going to be Dr. Frankenstein and her monster. I'm the monster, obviously, and you're the super hot, super smart, kind of crazy scientist chick," he explains. He is still holding tight, so he must be waiting for my reaction before he will let me go.

"That sounds fun. We need to make you a pretty monster, though. A real ladies' monster. That way it won't be weird when I'm all over you all night."

He laughs and finally releases me, stepping over to my bed to show me what he has brought. It turns out to be some of his clothes and some paint, plus a wig. Our project for tonight will be to work on ripping and painting the clothes he brought to make them look more monsterish. And then there is a lab coat for me, of course, that we don't really need to do anything with.

"We just have to pick out some clothes for you to wear that are kind of bookish and smart, plus a little sexy. Leave that to me, though," he says as he makes his way to my closet.

He pulls out a few of my tops, appraising them for their bookish and sexy value, before ultimately settling on a stretchy powder blue turtleneck that I pretty much never wear. My mom picked it out and packed it for me, otherwise I never would have brought it. I have to hand it to him, though, it probably will look good with a lab coat. He also selects a pleated black skirt and my favorite boots to go with the ensemble.

"Perfect," he declares as he looks over his selections again.

"I'm skeptical that a nerdy girl in a lab coat is anything like the character Dr. Frankenstein, but I like it. You did good, Mr. Jenkins," I compliment him, patting his arm.

"Yeah, you might have to give her a name tag so people will know who she is," Ronnie suggests from across the room.

"I think the monster with her might be a dead giveaway," Tyler argues. "A nametag isn't a bad idea, though." He picks up the lab coat and looks it over, I would assume picturing how the nametag will fit. Then he turns to Ronnie and asks, "Will you be there?"

"At a party? No, thanks," Ronnie replies. "I don't do parties, and I don't really do costumes, either. Not since I was a kid."

I can just tell by his facial expression that he thinks Ronnie is a spoil-sport who never does anything fun. I don't entirely disagree with him, the girl is way too serious about school, but I do have to give her credit where it is due. She hasn't ever missed a Friday night with our dormies.

"She does movie night, though," I remind him.

"That's true. And hey, that's tomorrow isn't it," Tyler says, his eyes lighting up with an idea once again. "Do you think your girlfriends would mind if I come? My friends are all busy tomorrow night and I kind of want to watch movies too. Movie night alone is no fun."

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