Bonus Chapter: Preview of Book Two

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A/N: This chapter is included as the prologue to the second book in the series, She Will Be Mine, which will tell more of Jason and Ronnie's story. These scenes are told from Jason's point-of-view, but the events are not new. They were included in the chapter titled "Love in the Library" told from Ronnie's and Aly's points-of-view.


"Finn, you're letting yourself get distracted. There are two, but you're stronger than both put together," Beta Christopher coaches me.

Finn is the name of my wolf, but what Beta Christopher doesn't know is that it's still me in here. I've been too scared to let Finn take over completely, not since my first shift when he bolted and went on an unauthorized hunt and wouldn't listen until the Alpha forced him. What a bloody mess that turned out to be. Literally.

"Or is it Jason? Is that the problem?" Beta Christopher questions once he catches on.

He knows me too well. I'm not going to be getting away with this charade much longer.

"You have to let your wolf take over. He knows what to do here better than you do. You won't be much good to us in a fight if you don't let him out so he can train sometimes," Beta Christopher chides me gently.

With a mental sigh, I relent and let Finn forward. Instant regret. He goes crazy, spinning in happy circles and jumping like a maniac. He's going to get hurt if he doesn't knock it off.

I try to get him under control, but he's too strong. Whenever I let him out, he blocks me, and I can't fight past it.

"Finn!" I hear the Alpha's commanding tone call out from across the training grounds.

Finn gives a yelp and instantly sits back on his haunches, his head lowered in shame and submission.

"You are no longer a pup. You're a warrior. You could be the best if you learned to behave. You know better, so be better," Alpha Kane scolds him lowly.

I can feel how eagerly Finn soaks in the compliment, though at least he's smart enough to know that it doesn't mean much considering that it's wrapped in so much disgust and disappointment. It gives him something to strive toward, though. Hopefully, that will be enough to encourage him to get his act together.

"Now, Finn. Try it again. And since you seem to have so much pent-up energy, let's try you against three others," Beta Christopher instructs.

It was bad enough taking on two other more experienced warriors. But three? That's insane.

Where all I feel is worry and dread, Finn seems to take it as a compliment that the Beta thinks he can handle it. Sure, it's meant as a punishment to knock Finn's ego down a notch, but he seems to perceive it as a challenge, and he's hungry for it.

"Don't worry, kid. I've been up against four before, and I'm just a human," I hear a playful comment from behind me. The voice sounds familiar.

Finn turns to look at the guy who said it, and I realize it was one of the humans who've been hanging around with the Alpha's daughter, Aly. Tyler is his name. Supposedly, he's one of her friends from college, though pretty much everyone suspects that he's more than that to her.

Finn takes his comment as another challenge. Now, he not only has to show that he can best three other wolves, but he needs to win against four. He can't let a human seem stronger than him.

But I just admire the guy. He's cool, friendly, down-to-earth, and I think my favorite thing about him is that he says stuff like that without a trace of ego. I know he's not bragging. He's just trying to make it seem less daunting to me. Even so, I'd love to spar with him sometime. I bet there's a lot he could teach me.

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