Chapter 86: The Elders Deliberate

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Following a brief discussion about Eli, the silver wolf, and Zeke, the onyx wolf, wherein Elder Stirling explains the unique traits of each type of wolf and reviews the details of his own research into historical instances of either type of wolf as Alphas, Alpha's mates, or close advisors of various Alphas, Alyssa and her mates are finally dismissed from the meeting so that the Elders can be left to deliberate.

It is Elder Benjamin who finally breaks the hushed silence that falls over the room after Miss Bentley, her mates, and their guards exit the room.

"I have heard it said that the true mark of a great Alpha is in the reach of their influence, which can be observed indirectly by paying attention to the people around them. When you see so many others whose lives have been touched and changed because of their connection to the Alpha, that's how you know," he comments, seemingly out of nowhere.

"I have heard the same," Elder Stirling responds agreeably, nodding knowingly as if he already understands what Elder Benjamin is alluding to.

"Be that as it may, I'm not following how this observation is helpful to the task at hand," Elder Vivian chimes in.

"I have noticed that Miss Bentley seems to be one of those influential people with expansive reach," Elder Benjamin explains.

"How so?" Elder Millicent wonders.

Though she found the girl to be intelligent and well-spoken, exhibiting a rather commendable work ethic and presenting an impressively thorough and detailed argument, she agrees with Elder Vivian that none of that speaks to the girl's reach or influence, and is similarly uncertain about why Elder Benjamin would mention such a thing. What obscure point is he driving at?

"There are countless examples of people whose lives have changed course simply because they met her," Elder Benjamin answers her inquiry. "Take my nephew over here, for instance. I believe he met his fated mate today, didn't you, John?"

"I did," John confirms, smiling wistfully. "To your point, my life changed the second Miss Bentley and her companions walked in the door. At least I hope so."

"And I'm sure if we probed, Alpha Kane or Miss Bentley could list at least a handful of other significant connections she's helped facilitate that wouldn't have happened without her. People like her touch many others and leave them changed in big ways as they merely move about their everyday lives. It's as if the strings of fate are drawn to them like a magnet and trail after them everywhere they go. I know there are those even among this very council who have been changed in some way by their connection with her. I won't name names, but I have noticed the differences. And for her own mates, unlike with most fated mates, their lives have taken a completely different course than they or their families probably could have imagined possible. Most mates recognize each other, join their lives together, and then continue to live pretty much the same way they always have, but that is far from the case for her mates."

"What point are you driving at, Elder Benjamin?" Elder Vivian questions. "I'm failing to see how this discussion helps us deliberate the matter of her twin mates and whether such a situation should be allowed for an Alpha."

"My point is I'm beginning to think we're missing the greater picture here, focusing entirely too much energy on the problem of mates, and failing to recognize that in essence, it's irrelevant. The real question is whether Miss Bentley is the best choice as the next Alpha for New Horizon, and I believe all signs are pointing to yes. She exhibits the signs and traits of a truly great Alpha. Shouldn't that be all that matters?"

"Perhaps, but we also have to consider the long-term consequences of whatever decision we arrive at today. We cannot abandon the lessons of the past and allow an Alpha to bring attention to the desirability of two mates. If we allow it for one, soon many others will come asking," Elder Vivian argues.

"Unless they're coming to us asking for approval of twin fated mates, it's not the same," Elder Norissa points out. "If there's anything we should take from what Miss Bentley educated us about, it's that there's a marked difference between twin bonds and any other situation involving two mates. Approving Miss Bentley's mates would not be setting a precedent for anything other than twin fated mates and the unique twin bond that entails."

"I don't think other Alphas will make the distinction," Elder Vivian persists.

"Which is why it's our job to evaluate each situation and make the appropriate distinctions for them," Elder Antonio points out. "If you're saying you don't want to approve this simply because you would prefer not to be bothered with more requests in the future, then I don't think that's a valid argument."

"That's not what I'm saying," Elder Vivian snaps at him, taking offense at his implication that she's motivated by a desire to shirk her responsibilities. "What I'm saying is it could create problems for us later if Alphas don't like the decisions we make and get confrontational about it when they disagree about the distinction between different kinds of multiple mate situations."

"Which is where our ability to remove an Alpha from power would come into play," Elder Antonio reminds her. "We have the authority to make decisions on this sort of thing, and Alphas do not have the right to challenge us like that. Regardless of whatever feelings might arise in response, it's our duty to make sure that the best people become Alphas and that their mates will be a positive and supportive influence on them. I agree with Elder Benjamin that that's what we have here. Miss Bentley is the next Alpha of New Horizon, and those are her mates. After meeting them all in person, I feel it in my bones. And after hearing her speak her piece, I see no reason to deny her."

"Elder Stirling?" Elder Vivian appeals to the Elder she considers to be the most sensible and level-headed, and who in the past was her staunchest supporter when a similar argument arose during their first opportunity to deliberate Miss Bentley's mates. It's her hope that he will back her up even now.

"I can see the reasoning behind Elder Benjamin's greater point and do not necessarily disagree with his logic. However, I still feel it pertinent that we do a thorough job of reviewing the argument Miss Bentley provided for us today as well as the other evidence and information that has been presented to us. For the record, if for no other reason. Whatever decision we leave with must be well-supported and thoroughly documented," Elder Stirling reminds his fellow Elders in an attempt to redirect their passionate argument into a more productive and structured point-by-point discussion.

Elder Millicent inhales a careful breath, exhaling it slowly before she says, "I think we should schedule a dinner delivery for later and dismiss some of these guards so they can rest. I have a feeling we're going to be here awhile."

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