Chapter 15: Not Together, Not Available Either

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*** Tyler's POV ***

Theo and I and our friend Will are on our way to the activity center for students where we like to work out. Saturday morning is one of the best times for it because it tends to be pretty empty in there and there might actually be a trainer available.

Every time we have walked this path this week, I have had to fight the urge to stop in to see Aly and maybe even invite her along. I'm trying not to smother her with how much I want to hang out, and I don't even know if she would be interested in working out with us. It seems that today I can't fight the urge, though.

I tell the guys that I'll meet them there because I want to stop in and see a friend for a minute. They give me knowing smirks, assuming that when I say "a friend" I mean a girl, and specifically the girl I was with last weekend at the party. They saw me there with her, and apparently, I have their approval because they both think she is hot. She is, but I just hope they don't turn into idiots as soon as I bring her around them.

I cut across the lawn that will bring me to the front of her building and get lucky because there are two students coming out who hold the door for me. I guess I look like I belong here. I thought I would have to call Aly to come let me in. This works, though, because now I can just go up and surprise her.

After I get up the second set of stairs leading to her floor, I chuckle to myself realizing that my workout is already starting. I really don't miss dorm life, although I also appreciate that it was how I met Matt and Trevor. Two more steps, then the big wooden door that leads into her part of the third floor. No lock on that, either. So far, so good.

I make my way to the door to Aly and Ronnie's room and stand outside it for a couple seconds composing myself. Next thing I know, the door flies open, and Aly is throwing herself at me lips first. I don't have to think twice about what to do in this situation. I kiss her back, and I do that thing with my tongue that seems to drive her wild and makes her open her mouth for me.

Instead, she pulls back slightly. "Mmm, get in here," she demands, and I feel her tug my arm and pull me into the room, closing the door behind me. Sadly, she leaves me by the door and steps back a few paces.

Ronnie is lying down on her bed, laughing. "The look on your face," she says, still laughing. Apparently at me.

"I'm confused," I admit. "What was that? And how did you know I was there?"

"I heard you out there," Aly explains, "and I might have kind of told the other girls here that we're together, so ..."

"So, you decided you needed to mark your territory?" I chuckle as I put it together.

She gives me a strange look, and then grins at me sheepishly as a blush creeps up her cheeks. I love that look on her. And I love that she told her friends we're together. I know we're not, but I have been saying something similar to Theo and Will and probably for the same reason. I don't want them to try to pursue her. I like that we're on the same page, at least. Not together, but not available either.

"Something like that," she says. "I don't know. It was dumb."

I step forward and wrap my arms around her. "I'm going to have to start punishing you every time you say your feelings are dumb. They're not dumb. Stop it."

She turns her face up from where she had it buried in my chest and looks at me with what appears to be a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She's also smiling now. Mental pat on my own back.

"Aly, I get where you're coming from, because I told my friends we're seeing each other, too," I confess. "Not Matt and Trevor, obviously, but my other friends I'm not super close with. They think you're hot, and I know if I don't claim you then they're going to try to get with you, and that bothers me. It's like we need time and space to sort stuff out. We're not together, but there's a thing between us that we have to figure out so back off, right?"

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