Chapter 19: Costume Party Confessional

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*** Matt's POV ***

I take one last look in the mirror, trying to do the best I can with the cheesy vampire costume I'm wearing, and then head out to meet everyone in the living room. Trevor is dressed as a zombie, and Meredith is dressed like a pop star, I think. The toy microphone is the giveaway. Jessica looks sexy in a short, tight nurse's uniform with a fake stethoscope around her neck and one of those cute little white hats that nurses never actually wear.

I spend extra time gawking at her because she looks so good. I think she knows it, too, judging by the look she is giving me. Damn, am I ever a lucky man. Suddenly, I find myself wanting to skip the party and just stay home with her.

"Looks like we're all ready then," Trevor comments as he starts to make his way to the door.

"Tyler isn't coming?" Meredith asks, looking down the hall as though she expects him to appear from his room.

"He'll be there, but he went to Aly's to get ready," Trevor explains. "He said he wants their costumes to be a surprise for us. He's super excited about it, so when you see him, pretend like you're impressed."

We all head out as a group, opting to walk since it isn't that far. Jessica seems cold, which she should have seen coming since she is wearing a short skirt and decided not to wear a coat. Why, I'll never understand. I take off my coat and wrap it around her shoulders, hoping it is enough to keep her warm all the way there.

"Thanks, baby," she says as she pulls it tightly around her. "You're the sweetest."

And the coldest, though I'm better off with my cape wrapped around me than she would be with nothing, so it's a sacrifice I'm glad to make.

Once we get there and push through the crowd a bit, I realize Aly and Tyler must not have arrived yet. I've developed sort of a sixth sense for when she is near, and I don't get the sense that she is around here. I allow myself to relax a little, grabbing Jess and heading for where everyone is dancing.

I love how she just naturally folds into me as we move, though I'm glad for the cape to hide behind as she starts grinding herself on me. It takes everything in me to not just take her to some dark corner and rip that tight outfit right off her. She knows what she does to me, too, judging by the sexy smirk on her face as she turns around to kiss me.

After a couple songs I head over to the open bar and start to make us some drinks. I hear a bit of a commotion from the other room and go to check it out, realizing it is Tyler finally making his entrance. He groans and moans like a zombie, much more convincing than Trevor, but once I finally get a good look at him, I realize he's not just a zombie. He's Frankenstein's monster, and a damn convincing one at that. He looks amazing, but I shouldn't be surprised considering that he always does the best Halloween makeup jobs.

Then I notice that Aly is dressed as a scientist, and I realize when I see her nametag that her and Tyler's costumes go together. She is Dr. Frankenstein herself, and looking sexy in an understated way. She looks really good, even with how she has her hair all crazy, and I feel a ping of jealousy when it hits me that she and Tyler do make a good couple. They even coordinate couple's costumes, something that Jess and I have never done. What a stupid thing to let affect me, and yet, I am bothered by it in ways I can't really put my finger on.

I spend the rest of the night hyper focused on Jess, trying to ignore Tyler and Aly and all the fun they are having together. Not that Jess minds. She seems to love all the extra attention. I probably drink too much, judging by how wobbly I get at some point and the sick feeling growing in my stomach.

I decide to cut myself off before I end up completely wasted and make an excuse to Jess about needing to use the bathroom. She waves me off, too busy hanging out with Meredith at the moment to miss me much. I head up the stairs in hopes of finding someplace quiet to sit for a minute and drink some water to clear my head a bit.

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