Chapter 90: House Call

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

Thursday morning, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket as Matt, Tyler, and I are on our way to Matt's and my morning class. Normally I would just let it ring and figure out what I missed later, but we've all been jumpy this week. Knowing that at any moment, my dad or one of the Elders could be calling me, I shift my backpack to my other side and dig out my phone.

My heart skips a beat when I see that it's the same number as when Elder Stirling called me before to inform me of the appeal hearing. I rush to slide the green phone icon across the screen to answer it, struggling not to drop the thing as I fight back my excited nerves.

"Hello?" I manage to answer, probably just in the nick of time considering how long it took me to get it done.

"Alyssa? This is Elder Stirling," he greets me in his usual manner, but doesn't even wait for my response before adding, "I'm calling about the outcome of your appeal, to inform you that the Elders request your attendance at the New Horizon meeting hall next Saturday morning so that we can deliver our decision."

"Oh," I respond simply, my mind struggling to catch up with how brief and to the point he is being. I appreciate it, but it's also annoying.

"That's all you can say, isn't it," I realize aloud. "Not even a hint as to how your deliberating went?"

"Correct. What I can do is speak to you about pretty much anything else. The outcome of our deliberations is now finalized and sealed, so our interactions from this point forward will not affect it. Which is the real reason I'm calling."

"Oh? Well, you have my attention."

"It's actually your mate I'm wanting to speak to. Would he happen to be available to meet with me this weekend? My schedule is quite open, and I can come to him."

"I'm assuming you mean Tyler."

At the sound of his name, the man in question turns and gives me a questioning look.

"Elder Stirling," I mouth to him in explanation, pointing to my phone.

"I do," Elder Stirling confirms, and then clears his throat. I realize that his voice sounds more strained than usual and wonder briefly if it might be an effect of his beyond advanced age that he sounds so raspy and gravelly in the first place.

"Here, give me your phone, and I'll talk to him while you guys head off to your class," Tyler offers as he reaches for my phone.

I quickly hand it over, knowing that if I linger too much longer, Matt will end up being late for class. It's his attendance more than mine that I'm worried about, but I also know he won't leave me to make it there on time so I need to wrap this up.

"Just a sec, Elder Stirling. I have to kiss my mate," Tyler says into my phone once he has it.

As promised, he leans down to give me a quick peck and gently smacks my butt as Matt and I head away from him into the building. I can't help shaking my head at his mannerisms, not even muting his normal self when he knows there's an Elder on the line waiting for his attention. But Tyler is Tyler, and he doesn't care who knows it.

"Have a good class, guys!" he calls out to us, and then I hear him speaking lowly into the phone as he addresses Elder Stirling.

When we regroup around lunchtime, Tyler gives me back my phone and informs us that Elder Stirling wants to visit Saturday. He made plans to have dinner with him here at our place since Trevor has a party he wants to go to that night anyway and we should have the apartment to ourselves. It will cut into our movie night, but him finally having the chance to speak with the only other onyx wolf in existence seems more important.

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