Chapter 61: Unfinished Business

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*** Matt's POV ***

As I was heading back to the apartment after my last class on the Friday before Valentine's Day, I caught a glimpse of long platinum blonde hair just ahead of where I was walking. I froze in place, realizing it could be Jessica over there and not wanting to endure the inevitable confrontation. I've managed to avoid crossing her path so far this term. I had been hoping to keep that going.

Just as I've decided that it would be best for me to turn around and take the long way home, she turns her head and catches sight of me. I expect her to still be angry with me, but she surprises me by smiling and waving. I don't know what to do with that, so I stick to my plan and make an about-face, hurrying behind the nearest building and re-routing myself to make it home another way.

It doesn't take long after I get there to settle in and shake off the disturbed feeling I've been carrying around since seeing her. Trevor and I have plans to go see a movie later since Aly and Tyler are busy on Friday nights. She has her movie night with the girls at her dorm, and Tyler hangs out with his other friends. Though we'll be seeing Aly the next night for our usual date night, I kind of wish it would happen tonight instead. Seeing Jessica has me craving the woman I have been in love with all along. At least I have Trevor to keep me occupied, though.

But it's like the universe is against me all of a sudden because Trevor and I catch sight of Jess yet again at the theater. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to notice me this time.

I tap Trevor's shoulder and nudge him to look in her direction. He groans once he spots her, shaking his head.

"Let me guess. This means we have to scram," he says, the annoyance plainly evident in his voice.

"Yeah, sorry. I'd really rather not be in the same place as her," I admit sheepishly. I feel bad, but not as terrible as I would feel if I had to talk to her.

"You're probably going to have to have a conversation with her eventually, man, and figure out how to share the same town for a few more months, but I'll let it go for now. We can just rent something at home I guess."

I appreciate that beyond words, and I tell him so. Then we turn around and leave, luckily before we had a chance to buy our tickets. He stops at a convenience store so we can get some junk food, and then we head back to the apartment to hang out.

Since our guys' night got ruined anyway, he texts Meredith to see if she wants to join. That bums me out a little because seeing them together only makes me miss Aly that much more, but I suppose it's fair since I'm the reason we had to change our plans.

About halfway through the movie I get a text from Aly explaining that one of her "dormies" got sick part of the way through their movie, so she wonders when we'll be back from the theater because she wants to crash guys' night.

We had a change of plans and decided to watch a movie at home, I explain in response.

Good, I'm almost there, she shoots back almost instantly, and I can't help the grin that automatically spreads across my face.

"Aly?" Trevor asks, probably noticing my reaction to my phone.

"Yeah, she'll be here in a minute," I inform him, and then decide to add, "and depending on why her dormmate got sick, she may or may not be contagious."

"Well, considering how far down your throat her tongue tends to be on a regular basis, I would assume that if she is, we were all going to get it anyway," he responds with a shrug.

This is why my friends are the best. He's not scared of potential germs, and he also never misses a chance to give me crap about whatever he can think of to give me crap about, which is how I know he loves me. I just smile back at him and eagerly wait for Aly's knock at the door.

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