Chapter 80: Exposed

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*** Matt's POV ***

By the time Meredith gets home, Trevor has calmed down considerably. Which is good, considering that she seems to be in a chipper mood. They may have panicked at the news that they will soon be parents, but she seems to have come around to the idea pretty quickly. I'm just glad his mood isn't as foul as it was, bringing her down when she seems so excited.

"You guys will be the godparents, of course," Meredith tells me, still gushing about all the things she's already decided since hearing the news only hours ago.

"Who? Which guys?" Trevor asks. I think it's the first he's hearing of this too.

"Him, Tyler, and Aly," Meredith clarifies. "I figure there's no question about that."

"Yeah, I mean ... yeah, that makes sense," Trevor agrees, nodding as if he likes the idea more the more he thinks about it. "But wait. Can werewolves even be godparents? Isn't it, like, against your culture or something?"

I look to Devon and Caleb sitting on the other end of our L-shaped couch, since I figure they would know more about that.

"We're familiar with a lot of human customs, and many werewolves do participate in ceremonies like that," Devon explains. "It doesn't mean the same to us as it probably does to you guys, but we recognize the sentimental value of being a godparent. And no, it's not a violation of our beliefs, nor is it forbidden or anything like that."

"Okay, good. Sounds like that's settled then," Meredith says, clapping her hands together once to signal the decision being made. "If it wasn't so late, I'd go call my parents. They're going to be so excited."

She randomly gets up and heads down the hall, presumably to their room, and Trevor and I just sit back and exchange questioning looks.

"She seems excited now," he says finally. "She wasn't earlier. I just hope she isn't forcing it to hide how broken up she really feels."

"Yeah, me too," I agree.

"Guess I should probably go with her so we can talk some more," he sighs.

With one last hug for me, he takes a deep breath and follows her down the hall, leaving me alone in the living room once again. Well, me and the guards.

"I'm relieved that they know now," Devon comments after my friends have left.

"Yeah, me too. They figured it out on their own, since I couldn't find an opportunity to talk to them with the week we've had," I tell him.

"All that matters is that they know," he assures me.

I hear the door opening and, assuming it's Tyler and Aly, get up to greet them. Aly bursts into the room seeming a little agitated, but not nearly as much as I had expected after her night with Marissa. Tyler is right behind her with Tasha and Marissa tagging along after.

I pull Aly to me and wrap my arms around her. I can feel her relax a little, and then even more when Tyler pushes in behind her, sandwiching her between us.

"Aww," Tasha coos, apparently noticing our group hug and approving of what she sees.

"My gosh, can these guys get any cheesier," Marissa mutters.

I thought it was just me who heard her say that last part, but I guess Aly did too. She pulls away and ducks under my arms, quickly closing the distance between us and Marissa.

"Okay, Marissa. You win. I've been trying to ignore you, but I can't take it anymore. If you have something to say to me, just say it already," Aly demands, her eyes flashing with anger and frustration.

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