Chapter 27: The Trials, Part I

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*** Tyler's POV ***

Ever since I told Aly that I had agreed to do the trials to prove I could be a good mate, she has been clinging to me. I really don't mind. A twisted part of me wishes there were some way she could always be nervous about my fate to cause her to permanently stick to me like glue. The sane part of me hopes that doing these trials will have that result anyway.

This morning, Mr. Bentley told me that he contacted the Elders, and they would be sending someone to meet me. He doesn't know when, but he wants to make sure I'm fed and ready for whatever they throw at me. That's why Aly and I are in the kitchen and Henny has made me a plate with samples of everything they will be having at the feast in a little while. Though I am still invited to attend their gathering, the Elders will probably call me away before I get a chance to eat.

"Maybe they'll start with the easy ones since today is a holiday," Aly says hopefully. "And maybe you'll be back before the festivities end."

"I'm okay with it either way," I assure her, shoveling another forkful of Henny's candied yams in my mouth. I don't know how she makes one of my least favorite holiday dishes taste so good, but what I've tasted of her cooking so far has added another reason why I'd love to come live here someday.

That thought gives me an idea.

"Aly, is there a way that you could make me a werewolf?" I wonder aloud.

She looks uncomfortable and shifts her weight from foot to foot before answering, "Any werewolf can turn a human, but there's strict rules about it because it's really dangerous. If you and I become mates, then yes, I would be allowed to do that, but I wouldn't want to."

"Why not?" I ask, setting my fork down because it seems like I might want to pay full attention to whatever she has to say.

"The short answer is because you could die. You're pretty fit and healthy, so maybe you would be okay, but I don't want to take that risk. Plus ..." she lets the last part of what she's saying linger, shaking her head and seeming to change her mind about telling me more.

"What is it? Just tell me. I can handle it."

She sighs, dropping her gaze to where our hands are linked.

"It's selfish of me, but if I chose you as my mate, then I wouldn't want to turn you because once you become a werewolf, there is a chance you would have your own fated mate. It wouldn't be me since I already have one."

"Oh, I see. Well, nevermind then," I say, dismissing the topic more because it seems to make her uncomfortable than because I'm done with it.

I want to tell her that even if I'm given some other mate, I just want her. If she chooses me, then she would have to give up her mate, so I would be happy to do the same. I know I can't convince her with words, though, and I'm also well aware that I don't actually know what it's like to have a fated mate and have to give them up.

After I finish my food, we make our way into the room that has been prepared for the gathering. A few early arrivals are already there. Aly and I join her parents where they are busy receiving guests. I find myself always drawn to her mom and what she is doing, knowing that if I'm Aly's mate and she becomes Alpha, all the things her mom does now will eventually become my responsibilities.

I'm impressed at how she seems to know everyone by name and somehow keeps it all straight what everyone is up to in their lives. I'm pretty good with people, as long as I'm not trying to date them, so I think I could eventually get as good at all this as she seems to be.

A short while later, the room is filling up and my head is swimming with all the new names and faces I've been introduced to in such a short time, but Aly seems right at home talking with her pack. Whether she realizes it or not, she and her dad are a lot alike. It's impossible not to notice with them standing so close. She even makes a lot of the same facial expressions and uses a lot of the same body language as he does.

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