Chapter 93: The Final Countdown

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*** Alyssa's POV ***

"At some point, we're going to have to sit down and have a long chat about our ongoing rogue problem, now that we're officially planning and preparing for you to take over as Alpha," my dad reminds me after he breaks away from what I thought was our goodbye hug.

Matt, Tyler, and I are loading up and getting ready to head to the airport and back to school, bringing Ryan along with our guards this time. My parents have come out to see us off, and of course that's the departing thought my dad wants to leave me with.

"I am aware, but I think we'll have to save that for when we come back after graduation. I don't see what good I can do against the rogues from across the country," I point out in response. "But trust me, it's been on my mind, and I'm eager to sit down with you and finally hear the full story."

At least he'd better not hold anything back when we finally have that chat. I know that he keeps a lot to himself as Alpha, but as the future Alpha, I'll need to know everything he does eventually. Just not now, though. Now it would only make me worry from afar.

"I understand that, but I guess what I'm really saying is be prepared for things to start moving quickly once you're back to stay. A lot is at stake and there are things that will need to be dealt with pretty immediately, so if I have my way, your ceremony will be soon after you get back. So, what I'm saying is have your fun now. Safely, and with my warriors at your back, but get it all out of your system because when you return, it will be time to get serious."

"Got it," I mock salute him, and he frowns his disapproval.

"Seriously, Dad, I hear you," I assure him. "I understand our situation, and I know that time is of the essence. You don't know how much I appreciate that you're allowing me to go with my guys so they can finish what they started at school when I know every fiber of your being is screaming at you to keep us here. So, thank you, but don't worry so much. We'll get it all figured out."

"I know we will," he concedes, reaching for another hug. The real goodbye hug this time.

It's a bit of a process to get the fifteen of us on a plane and back to Maine and then on the road back to our apartment again. At least this time when Trevor opens the door and welcomes us back, he doesn't have any major life-changing surprises awaiting us. There are no surprise engagements or pregnancies for them to announce, but this time it's our turn to slap them with some news.

"Meet Alpha Aly," Tyler brags pretty much as soon as the door closes behind us.

"So, you won your thingy then?" Meredith wonders, already making her way over to hug me.

"Yeah, I won my thingy," I chuckle, amused by her description. "That means that after you guys graduate, the three of us will be heading back to my place and taking over leading the pack shortly after that."

"Wow, that's big," Trevor comments, seeming both impressed and concerned. "Are you guys ready for that? Matt and Tyler have only been werewolves for like a month."

"Yeah, but we knew it was coming even when we were still human," Tyler reminds him. "We've been doing our research and figuring things out this whole time. I mean, it's still kind of overwhelming, but it's not us who will be Alpha. She'll be the one making all the big decisions and stuff."

"Will we be able to come visit even though we're not anybody's mates or anything like that?" Meredith asks, probably worrying about how often they'll be able to see Matt after graduation.

The three of them have been fairly inseparable since childhood, so it's going to be a huge adjustment to suddenly be living in separate places as they go on to grad school and we go on to live with my pack.

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