Chapter 94: Graduation

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*** Kane's POV ***

For a man who hates flying, I've certainly been doing a lot of it lately. It's been worth it, though, since most of that time on the plane has been for Aly and the things she has needed from me. And now here we sit on the other side of her struggle for approval from the Elders, clearing the last few hurdles in the way of her taking over as Alpha.

Now, her mates have finally finished their schooling and will be walking across that big stage at the front of the auditorium within the next hour or so. And then we're taking them home to stay, and it won't be long before we're putting on a ceremony much like this just for Aly and the boys.

It was a risk leaving my pack right now to bring Andrea here with me to sit beside Aly and watch Matt and Tyler be recognized for their achievements. Back home, things are still tense and uncertain with the rogues. If they catch wind of my leaving, it will be all the invitation they need to move against my pack. I know Beta Christopher can handle it if that happens, but I still hate the idea of anything going on while I'm hundreds of miles away.

And yet I couldn't stand the idea of letting Aly sit here alone today. Well, not alone exactly, since Matt's parents and some of his other family have come and Tyler's mother and aunt are here, but I still wanted to come and show that they have support from the pack. I also wanted to be sure that Aly would have us on either side of her for when she inevitably gets excited and reaches out for our hands. Moments like those have always been precious to me, but are especially now that she's all grown up and barely needs me anymore. I wouldn't have missed this for the world.

"Look at all these symbols next to Matt's name," Aly says excitedly, cutting through my thoughts and drawing my attention to the program we were given at the door.

I see that she has it open to where it lists all the graduates and has miraculously managed to find Matt in the midst of the pages upon pages of names.

"That one shows his department I think, and this one means he's graduating with honors," Andrea explains, seeming to be studying her copy just as intently as Aly has been.

"And this one means it's not just honors, but high honors. Summa cum laude," Aly adds proudly.

"I know Principal Meyers was excited when I was telling him about Matt. He's a big get for our humble little school," I chime in, not really knowing what else to say.

I've barely even skimmed through the program booklet, and I have no idea what those Latin words even mean other than he did well and it's worth bragging over.

"Tyler was talking about wanting to get involved with the school too, if he can," Aly informs me. "He hasn't been through teacher training, but he'd love to do some art workshops or something with the younger kids."

"He'll have to talk to the lady in charge," I remind her, smiling when she seems to realize I mean her.

I won't be Alpha by the time school starts up again next fall, and the Alpha gets final say in all hiring decisions throughout the pack.

"Good thing I've heard he has an in with that lady," Aly retorts, smirking back at me.

A man makes his entrance on stage and the whole auditorium hushes to listen to what he has to say. He talks for quite some time about the school and its ideals, the exceptional students who go there, and so on. It all sounds nice, but I can feel the restless energy all around me, and it only intensifies the longer the man rattles on.

I zone out for a while and barely pay attention to some of the speakers who follow him, not tuning back in until they start calling out the names of the graduates. I can't help sighing when it sinks in just how long this is going to take, considering the long list of names the girls were flipping through in that program booklet.

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