Chapter 82: Ma Jenkins (Part I)

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*** Tyler's POV ***

I would love to say that the next week flies by faster than we can notice, but it really doesn't. In fact, it seems more like it crawls by as we anxiously await our fate. Elder Stirling said he set up the appeal for next Saturday at some conference center a couple hours from school, so we have a week to prepare the argument that Aly will present to the Elders. That's on top of our normal school schedule and obligations during the week.

At least Aly can finally drop the charade. Knowing that her grades won't really matter in the end because she doesn't intend to finish her degree and graduate, she has only been attending the classes she shares with Matt. Even if her professors somehow notice her absences and decide to report it, it doesn't really matter. Shirking those extra, unnecessary responsibilities should allow her to focus more on finalizing her argument, which has to be our top priority right now. Too much is riding on it for it not to be.

Monday evening, I get a call from my mom, finally responding to my invitation for her to come visit. And guess when she wants to come? That's right, this weekend. Of course. I know I need to have a chat with her about the whole becoming a werewolf thing, and well, informing her of the existence of werewolves in the first place. But unfortunately, now is not the time for that. I can't be dealing with my mom's emotional fallout at the same time as Aly is dealing with the Elders.

I can't seem to talk her out of it, though, not without making her suspicious that something fishy is going on, which will mean she will probably just show up unannounced to figure out what I'm up to. So, the best I can manage is to talk her into coming Wednesday instead. The new plan is to wait to drop the news on her until next time and just enjoy a visit with her for now.

As much as the timing is off, I am excited to see her. The last time was before Christmas when Aly, Matt, and I went to visit her. I talk with her on the phone a couple times a week, but it just isn't the same. Plus, I feel kind of bad for how she keeps getting pushed aside because of everything else I have had going on. She's always good about it, but I can tell it breaks her heart a little every time I have to tell her I can't come visit just yet.

So, when Wednesday morning comes around, I wake up feeling excited that by the time I finish my last class of the day, my mom should be waiting for me back at the apartment. We've made dinner plans with her, and even though I decided now is not the time to reveal all about the whole werewolf thing, it does feel like the right time to tell her everything else.

She deserves to know that I've discovered and been in contact with my biological family, and that Matt and I are sharing the same romantic partner. I'm nervous about how she will take it all, but I figure it's better to just rip the band-aid off than to try to hide it. It will be difficult enough just keeping what I am from the woman who knows me best.

As though the universe has decided to be on my side for once, my history class is dismissed early, and I get to head home with enough time to have a chance to do a bit of light cleaning before my mom arrives. Trevor agreed to pick her up at the airport for me since my class was supposed to go until much later, so it's the least I can do since it's his turn to clean the kitchen and living room.

Besides, it will help me relax more while she's here. Not that she'd ever say anything to me about our housekeeping, but I still want it to look nice for her. It also wouldn't hurt to spruce up Matt's room a little, since that's where she'll be sleeping.

It's not until I hear Devon speak up from behind me as I'm mopping the kitchen floor that I realize I've spent most of the day lost in my thoughts. It startles me to hear someone's voice.

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