"Who are you?"

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"Who are you?"

"Oh no...you're not someone I want to meet"

Let me know if I should continue this one :)


I bundled my jacket up as I walk home in the cold. Yes it's nighttime. Yes I know this wasn't the smartest decision. Don't nag me.

I see my breath as I walk and know my cheeks are that annoying rosy red color that I hate them being. I just had to catch one more bus and then I'll be in my dorm soon.

It was late and the only reason why I'm out here is cause my car broke down. I decided to get it in the morning and just foot it to the bus stop. I feel the anxiousness taking over as I finally sit at the bus stop. The street lights illuminate the street but it still doesn't provide me comfort. As I look up the bus times, I jump a bit when someone joins me at the bus stop.

I really need to watch my surroundings more.

He had a white shirt on with a black leather jacket. His shoes shine in the light and he had on those dumb chains eboys wear.

And yet, he pulls it off effortlessly.

I look down at my navy blue and white sweater vest, tan skinny jeans and navy blue converse.

I'm definitely not cool enough for him.

"You definitely shouldn't be out here right now" I hear his raspy voice ring out. I look at him, my eyes seeing the bright light working in full effect and him even more prominently than before.

"Yeah I know but sometimes you have to do what you have to do." I mutter. After a bit of silence passes,, He raises an eyebrow and nods his head to the street.

"Hop on" He says as he walks over to his almost blood red convertible. I scoff and look at him incredibly.

"No. There's no way I'm getting in a car with you." I say. "It's common sense. Plus the bus will be here in five minutes. I can wait."

"Are you...denying me?" He says as he revs his engine. He gives that look that says "Dude, I'm you're best bet".

"That's what no means. I said my reason, stated why and gave a good conclusion. I feel that reasonable purpose went into that statement." I say kind of proudly.

I showed him.

He chucked a bit and asked

"Who are you?" He started smiling a bit.

"Oh no...you're not someone I want to meet." This boy has trouble written all over him and I'm not one who has ever knocked on that door.

Random inspiration. Should I make a part two?

13 likes and I'll do it :)

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