Find You

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{F}{I}{N}{D} {Y}{O}{U}

Inspired by the lyrics to Find You by Nick Jonas with some edits. I recommend listening to it while reading.


"I look for you in the center of the sun

I see your face even when my eyes are shut

But I never really know just where to find you"


The Spoon? Nope. Amber told me he hasn't been there with them lately.

Inside of school? Only when I can spot him and when I do, Andi and Buffy wouldn't even let me breath by him. I admire their friendship. I wish I had something like that.

Outside of school? He usually walks but his mom has been picking me up.

I see him everywhere and the guilt stays. I can barely sleep.

I never had someone break my walls like this before but he's the only one that truly gets me.

"I taste the words that keep falling out your mouth

You got a logic I'll never figure out

If I could hold you then I'd never put you down

But I never really know just where to find you"

"Cyrus, I'm sorry. I never want to lose you. Please don't go."

"TJ we are not losing each other however I think some space might be healthy right now."

"Is Andi and Buffy getting to you? You know they don't know me like how you know me." 

I take a breath and hold it for a bit.

"Why did you stay when you knew that he had something dangerous in that bag?"  Cyrus asked with a sad look.

"I..I don't know. I was nervous" I stuttered out.

"You think you know how to get under my skin

It's good for now but it's never permanent

Knock on the door but there's no one listening

And I never really know just where to find you"

"I would never want to hurt you" Cyrus says yet hearing him saying space is healthy got under my skin. I knew it wouldn't stay there forever because it's Cyrus.

I go to Cyrus' house and knock on the door. His mom opens and I explain that I needed to talk to Cyrus and she just says that he wasn't there. Though I explain why it's important, I feel like it was in one ear and out the other. I could tell she wasn't truly listening. No one does. No one excepts Cyrus.

"You live for love but you never really tried

You say it's not but it's always on your mind

Keep chasing gold but you lose a silver line

But I secretly did know where to find you"

I walked away and decided to try one place again. Our place.

I walk to the swings to see Cyrus sitting there with his head in his hands. 

I approach the swing next to him carefully and sit. He looks up and smile. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding and smile too. 

"Can I sit?" I ask.

"Wouldn't want anyone else to sit by me."

We start swinging and talking and once again, I felt free. I never really tried for love but Cyrus gave me something to believe in. He told me I have a certain capacity of love he has never seen before and that makes me kinda smile a bit.

A lot.

I should have known that this is where I would find him. 


Thank you so much for reading!

Please like, comment and keep smiling! :)

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