Kippen Kissing

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{K}{I}{P}{P}{E}{N} {K}{I}{S}{S}{I}{N}{G}

"Cyrus this is simple. We pretend to date. Hold hands in the hallways and even kiss a little here and there. By the end of 3 months, Jonah will be yours. What do you say Goodman?"

Inspired by To All the Boys I've Loved Before.

All characters are in 11th grade in High School.

Cyrus' POV

You could say that I'm a bit of a daydreamer and a romantic at heart. I read the romance books, I see the couples in the hallway and sigh internally, I even started making flower crowns.

I know. It's getting bad. I really need to get a new hobby or something.

There's only one person who truly has me thinking like this and that person is Jonah Beck.

Jonah and I are best friends and if I could get him to look my way in that way more, then maybe things could be different. I was so close last year. A kiss from spin the bottle between us last year spun his head for a little bit. Now, all he does now is sneak glances at me when he's with the GHC (Good Hair Crew).

He's dating someone in the GHC, it just wasn't me....and I have just as good of hair as Andi!

I can tell he is happy, but something seems to always be on his mind.

I wish I could read his mind. I wish I knew if what I was thinking was right. That Jonah actually likes me but doesn't know what to exactly do about it.

I decided to talk to TJ about this. He is the only one that knows every detail about me liking Jonah from the beginning to now. He said to meet him in the Quad on the side of the school during lunch.

*Time Skip*

After explaining what I see and notice, TJ was quiet for a bit before finally responding.

"Cyrus I think this is simple. How about we pretend to date? Jonah doesn't like me anyway and that'll cause a rise if he does like you. We can hold hands in the hallways and even kiss a little here and there. By the end of 3 months, Jonah will be yours. What do you say Goodman?"

"I don't know about that TJ. I never had a real boyfriend and I want things to be meaningful, especially kisses. Those are special. I know you've kissed a whole bunch of people but let me keep my first kiss."

"Aww a romantic. How sweet." TJ says with a pouty face. "Fine. Keep your kisses but no one will think we're dating if we don't ever kiss. Do you have a solution for that?"

"We can hold hands. You can kiss my hands and face. Just not the lips. We can easily do this. We just need a contract." I respond.

"Contract?!" TJ scoffs but later on agrees. I pull out a piece of paper and start writing down the rules. As we talked, I had came across what we thought was a done deal looking contract until TJ asked to look at it. He made some edits and then I got to see the final edits.

TJ's and Cyrus' Contract :)


2. Cyrus will attend all of TJ's Basketball games.

3. TJ will pick Cyrus and his brother up and drop them off at school.

4. Cyrus will attend major parties if TJ lets Cyrus help him with tutoring.

5. Cyrus is going on the Basketball Finals retreat.

6. TJ will write Cyrus notes to him everyday.

7. TJ and Cyrus will go to the park every week to talk about stuff.

*=Unless Cyrus and TJ agrees to (And TJ will always agree to)

Signed: Cy Guy Goodman          TJ Smitten Kippen

"Always? Smitten? Also is #5 really required because I don't think #5 is really required. That retreat is kinda far in the future."  I say after looking it over kind of worried.

"Cyrus. Stop asking questions, take a breath and agree with me. We'll take it slow. I promise muffin." He says as he adjust his jacket and puts his hand out. I never noticed he was wearing a leather jacket until now...

Or how nice he looks in it.

"Okay. Let's do this" and I shake his hand.

*Time Skip*

That contract moment feels like yesterday, but it was exactly 3 months ago.  We made it in September and now we're in December. It has been exactly 3 months of laughs and inside jokes, dates and holding hands, even some cuddles and cheek kisses and simply just getting to know each other.  It's been amazing but... Today was the day to break things off.

Problem is, I don't want to. I'm really like TJ and I told myself not to fall but I honestly couldn't help it. He wears those leather jackets and have sarcasm for days in school yet outside of these walls, he's this funny, happy dude who has stuff and encourages me to follow my goals.

Jonah has even reached out to me and told me that he liked me today (how ironic), but at this point, I don't really have feelings for him. It was a chase in the beginning but I never realized what I like was technically mine for 3 months now.

I texted TJ that we needed to talk and he said to meet in the same place we started everything after school.

*Time skip*

"Hey what's up?" TJ said looking anxious.

"Well, it's been 3 months now." I say, biting my lip afterwards.

"Yeah I noticed today is the day. Any major changes happen with you and Jonah?" TJ mumbles. He isn't even keeping eye contact with me which is weird. That wasn't a problem before.

"Well, Jonah texted me that he liked me and-" I said before TJ cut me off.

"Great. I'm glad it worked. Ironic on the day too. Can I go now?" He says standing up to walk away. I grab his hand and pull him in front of me. I was now sitting cris crossed on the wooden table.

"TJ I like you, not him. He may have been the beginning of this, but you're my middle and end. I really really like you." I say while rubbing his hand.

"I'm so happy you said that underdog. I like you too. I'm sorry for being standoffish. I knew today was the day and I just-"

"TJ forget it. Just kiss me."

"As long as I have your permission" He says winking, yet giving me a serious look. I roll my eyes, internally thanking him for asking. I nod and we finally, finally, kiss.

To the boy that liked me the whole time,

Thank you.

My Smitten Kippen.


Little surprise update since Andi Mack has FINALLY returned to our screens. The wait felt like forever! 

What did you think of the episode? :)

Thank you all for reading this. I hope you all are enjoying them as much as I enjoy writing them!

Please vote, comment and don't forget to smile :)

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