Actions speak Louder than Words

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Everyone is in 10th, with TJ being in 11th grade.

I wrote most of this years ago and never posted it but I like it so I'm finishing it and sharing it with you all. Enjoy this surprise update!

Cyrus' POV

I was talking to Andi and Buffy in the hallway about my science project when I started hearing gasps. I rolled my eyes because I knew exactly where this was going.  Andi and Buffy asked why I rolled my eyes and I pointed to the front of the hallway. 

T.J. Kippen.

Now, I'm not sure exactly where the change happened from middle school to high school, but TJ was just...different. He wore all black: leather jacket, pants, shoes, and socks, and always had a black bandana around his head and black sunglasses on his face. All the girls swoon over him and I always laugh at that...

because T.J. is gay...or so I thought.

He told me he was gay but now, he always has a new girl by his side but that doesn't explain why he dated me for two years in middle school and dumped me the first day of my freshman year at his high school but hey, maybe that's just me. There is always one thing that gets to me. Every time he walks down the hallway with his new girl, his eyes are always searching..for my eyes and when he finds them, he winks and looks away. He. Always. Wink. He's done this for almost A YEAR! What is that supposed to mean?

"Hey...I have this girl but...remember us? " Ugh. So annoying.

"He did it again," I said looking at Buffy and Andi. Andi shook her head while Buffy scoffed. 

"Who does he think he is? If he tries to talk to you, Never give him the time of day Cyrus." I nod but while I knew he never occupied my time in person, if I didn't say he didn't occupy my mind...

I'd be a big-time liar.

I decided to put it in the back of my mind again and just walk to science. I say bye to Andi and Buffy and walk into science...

to see TJ.

Being in advanced classes sometimes bites you in the butt. I'm one of two 10th graders in this class, the other being this guy named Walker. He's the main one I talk to in here since we are in the same grade. I met him here and he's pretty cool. I think Andi would like him. We needed groups of four for a lab and when Walker and I needed another group of two, we were paired up with nobody other than...

TJ and his girlfriend.

Kill me now.


When I said that was a disaster, it was to say the least.

TJ broke a beaker and his girlfriend said it was cause he was looking at me and not paying attention. Walker's eyes widened at that and looked at me since he knew our history and I wanted to die. Walker overpoured and it almost caused a fire.

I'd skip if I wasn't a good kid. After Mr. Walters lectured us four about the importance of lab safety, we all left. 

During lunch, TJ's girlfriend was going on about how embarrassing it was to have him distracted like that but he was just silent as they walked. She asked him to say something and he did...

he broke up with her. The entire lunchroom gasped but then again, he didn't keep a girl for long. She just happened to be the longest. She dumped her chocolate milk on him and left and he rolled his eyes.

"Another one bites the dust" he mumbled as he got up. Andi, Buffy, and I looked at him. As he went to the bathroom, I decided to go follow him even though Buffy and Andi protested. That's humiliating no matter what he's done to me. I walked into the bathroom as TJ was using paper towels to get chocolate milk. His hair looked matted and sticky but he still looked good...unfortunately.

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