iHeart You (Part 2/2)

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Part 2/2 is here! So excited for you all to read it. Music one shots make me so happy.

Heck, Tyrus and Andi Mack makes me happy lol. Also

Props to @/soft.tjkippen on Instagram for this picture. It's a screenshot from a picture story about Tyrus and Love, Simon and I love it.

Here we go! Part 2/2 :)

Cyrus' POV

"Wait wait wait guys! TJ followed and DM'd me through all this and I didn't see it until now. Holy crap. OMG. My heart can't take this." I say while feeling my heart beating. Andi, Jonah, and Buffy stopped jumping and looked at me.

"No way!" Buffy exclaimed.

"Dude" Jonah said as his eyes widened.

"Message him back and right now!" Andi said excitedly.

I nod frantically and open his DM. Andi, Jonah, and Buffy wanted to celebrate since we won so we agreed to go out. Andi got the car ready while Jonah and Buffy went to grab their coats they left upstairs. While they did that, I decided to respond to TJ's DM. The conversation seemed to flow naturally. I kinda fangirled in the beginning but calmed down and things went really well.

Third Person POV

They. Talked. Every. Single. Day.

But that's kind of easy when a mutual attraction finally comes together, isn't it?

TJ and Cyrus went from talking about the competition to getting to know each other to being there for each other during different situations that came up. TJ and Cyrus both realized how much their lives intertwined when they both constantly talked about each other with their bands.

As the weeks went on, even the occasional flirt would come up. Everyone in the Good Hair Crew and TJ's Parade knew that Cyrus and TJ were falling for each other fast.

Well, everyone except TJ and Cyrus of course.

All that would change on the night before and day of the iHeart Festival.

As everyone in the Good Hair Crew placed their bags on the plane to Las Vegas (Where iHeart would be taking place), Cyrus sat in his window seat and sighed. He couldn't believe he was going to perform at iHeart and finally meet TJ in person.

"Excited?" Cyrus hears from beside him, which makes him jump a little. He turns to see Andi sitting by him. Cyrus nods but also explains that he is nervous too. Both because the plane is taking off and for seeing TJ in person.

What would his reaction be? Excited? Nervous? Would he say stupid stuff around him which would lead to TJ to stop talking to him?

"TJ is this awesome guy. He isn't like other people I have met before and even though it's been 3 weeks, he's like one of my best friends. He's really really amazing." Cyrus exclaimed happily. As Andi looked at her friend and his happiness, she couldn't help but notice another look in his eyes. It wasn't just a friendship and happiness. This was deeper. This look showed appreciation, gratitude and...love.

"Are you sure it's just friendship and not something...more?" Andi asks and Cyrus closes his eyes and sighs. He knows deep down that TJ means a lot more to him but he didn't want to admit it just yet. They would be two celebrities with two different kinds of music careers going at the same time. That can't work as a relationship...right? Cyrus sighed.

"It can work Cy. Just believe in yourself. You deserve someone good and though I haven't met TJ, he brings out something different in you. A good different." Andi explains as she grabs Cyrus' hand and patted it. He didn't realize he said that last part out loud but he's glad he did. As the plane ride continues, Cyrus rested his head on Andi's head not only because he was tired, but also because he needed to think about how much TJ meant to him and in what way.

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