Practice and Promprosals

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{P}{R}{A}{C}{T}{I}{C}{E} {A}{N}{D} {P}{R}{O}{M}{P}{R}{O}{S}{A}{L}{S}

"With my smooth dance moves from Amber, extra confidence from Buffy, and poster and silliness from Andi, he has to say yes...right?"

Or the one where Cyrus is taking on the world....of dances

*Poster Pictured is my inspiration for the one in this oneshot. Enjoy!

*Cyrus' POV*

"Ladies!" I say walking over to Andi, Amber and Buffy happily. I can't believe that prom is coming up. Everyone has been telling me to tell TJ that I like him and I think if I ask him to this, this could be the start of something.

Of course I am a nervous wreck...but hopefully I don't look like it.

"You say "ladies" with confidence yet you look like a nervous wreck. What is up with you boy?" Amber asked with one eyebrow raised

"It could have been asked nicer than that Amber, but yes. Something does see off Cy. What's up?" Andi asked curiously.

"I was thinking of asking TJ to prom and I was wonde-". My sentence got cut of by squeals from all three girls. I jump back from the unexpectedness.

"FINALLY!" Andi yells. "We all know he likes you. He stares at you in science and he always asks you for math help and there was that swing situation" Andi spews out really fast while raising her eyebrows on me

"I guess I have a chance." I say while smiling.  "I need everyone's help here though plus some other people. I have an idea."

*Time skip to afterschool*

"Okay Cyrus. You want to according to your text?" Jonah says while looking at his phone and then at Cyrus.

"Yeah. You know. Cool. Chill. Frozen as ice. Supa cold." I say while doing some weird moves.

"First of all, Never say "supa" cool again. Second of all, dude, I am not going to teach you how to be cool."

"What?!" I say as I freak out. "I was counting on these lessons and you Jonah."

"Cyrus listen to me. You just came out to me and I am really happy you confided in me. That being said, I am saying this next part as your friend: If he likes you, he likes you for who you are and trust me, he does. You are cool. Really cool. "Supa cool" as you say." Jonah smiles and laugh.

"Now I get the supa cool thing. Never again. Thanks JB" I say as we hug and we head on home.

*Later that night*

After I finished my homework, I wrote down my plan for asking out TJ and the friend that will help me get there:

Day 1: Get cool tips from JB (Jonah Beck) [Check]

Day 2: Get cool dance moves from Amber (She's surprisingly good at it)

Day 3: Get Andi to help me with a creative poster for TJ

Day 4: Get Buffy to help me practice asking TJ at the basketball game Friday

Day 5: Game time and happy dance time (hopefully)

After I finished, I got ready for the week ahead of me.

*Time skip to Friday*

As the week on, everything was lining up awesome.

-Jonah gave me some more confidence about everything.

-Amber's dance moves is something....worth mentioning. She is a very interesting dancer. She did teach me some moves I could use at the dance.

-Andi's poster for the promposal was so awesome. It said "Since you're done shooting baskets for the fans, will you be mine at the dance?" With a basketball hoop and a basketball with the words "PROM?" on it. It was perfect.

-Buffy pretending to be TJ while I could practice asking him was hilarious. She would always mock him and say weird things that I knew he wouldn't say. 

But all that is coming together to right in this moment. I was shaking my knee at the basketball game. Andi, Amber, Buffy and Jonah were keeping me company while TJ played. There was one minute left and the game against the Falcons were tied. Everyone on both sides of the gym seemed tense and it was ten times as worse since I was thinking about how I would ask him after the game.

The last ten seconds came up quick and the Falcons had the ball. A lot of people looked crushed until the person with the ball on the opposing team tripped on his shoe laces and Walker got the ball from under his nose. Everyone was standing to their feet. Walker passed the ball to TJ and TJ made a buzzer beating shot (According to Buffy, That was the term)


Everyone went wild. We all cheered. We won the finals now. People picked up TJ on his shoulders and though my heart stopped for a second, I had to remember these were muscly basketball players and not two versions of me holding him so he'd be okay. He even got an MVP medal.

After things started to calm down, people started to leave the gym. I decided to wait for TJ outside since there was still light out and I asked my parents to come later than when the game let out. My friends were waiting around the corner from where I was at and I promise you I thought Amber was recording but I could be seeing things.

Knowing Amber, Something tells me I was not seeing things.

As TJ was coming out, he was looking down and adjusting his duffel bag. I felt everything hit me at once. I got nervous. Everything I learned just went out of the door. This wasn't a good idea to do this. I'm going to run. I turned around to walk and saw all my friends raising an eyebrow. I turned around exactly when I heard him yell"Cyrus? Is that you?", ran up to me, put his arm around me and said hey.

Heart beat increased instantly.

We walked for a little bit (arm still around me might I add) and I still had the poster rolled in my hand and since I couldn't really hide it so I just put it in my other hand. I congratulated him on the win and said that I was proud of him.

"Really? That means a lot, especially from you. I wouldn't have even played without you. You helped me realized that dyscalculia is not an overused buzzword. I think you should wear this for a bit." and he took off his MVP medal and put it around me. I smiled and just hugged him. He looked surprised but hugged me back. My confidence just skyrocketed at this point.

I know this doesn't happen normally with people. He has to feel what I am feeling.

He always gave good hugs. As we pulled away, we heard a squeal and TJ looked around confused. Before he could ask any questions, I told him I had a question for him. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised and I opened up the poster.

He read it, smiled and said "Honestly, if you didn't ask me today, I was gonna ask you next week. Of course underdog. I wouldn't go with anyone else." and hugged me again.

Amber, Andi, Buffy and Jonah all came rushing out. TJ just shook his head but smiled. We got pictures together and said we would work out details later. As we said bye to each other, we smiled at each other and then squeals continued. Jonah and I shook our heads but the smile never left my face.


Yo! Look at me updating *mumbles* 2 *mumbles* months later

I'm going to try my best to update more often. I did give you all 2 more one shots so hopefully this helps. I have so many in my drafts right now you have no idea. I can't wait to share it all with you soon!

Thank you so much for all the reads, votes, adding to your libraries, following me and leaving comments. It truly makes my day!

See you all soon!

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