💙Birthdays and Boys in a band (Part 1/2)💙

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{B}{I}{R}{T}{H}{D}{A}{Y}{S} {A}{N}{D} {B}{O}{Y}{S} {I}{N} {A} {B}{A}{N}{D}

Thank you to @sksksktyrus for typing  a one shot that led my brain to make this one shot. Hope everyone enjoys

Ugh my heart. Luke Mullen is so adorable.

In this one shot, they are all 23 except TJ, who is 24. 

Buffy's POV

Today is Cyrus' birthday and Andi and I have been planning this surprise for months! Cyrus will never guess that we got him tickets to his favorite band as well as VIP passes to meet the band. This will be an experience he will never forget.

As Cyrus comes inside my apartment with Andi by his side, I get up and hug him. "Happy Birthday Cy. I love you so much." He says thanks and smiles but we know he has been wondering what his gift was for ages and if he could know now.

"Stop with the puppy eyes Cyrus! Here is your gift!" Andi exclaims and Cyrus immediately dives into the perfectly wrapped, yet tiny green box. "Tickets to see Triangle of Oblivion?! No way! Thank you guys so much!" Cyrus says and hugs us hard. 

Triangle of Oblivion had 3 (pretty cute) boys in their band.

Marty Wilson plays the drums and sings. He was definitely a party boy who got in trouble from time to time but he always seem to get it together for a show. Apparently he goes from girl to girl and though I still know that information, he's still the one I would marry.

Jonah Beck plays the guitar and sings. He was known for overcoming panic attacks when he first started performing and is doing better. He had one recently and had to sit a show out but he's been back for a while. Andi thinks he is the most adorable guy and loves his personality.

T.J. Kippen was the main lead who sung and rapped. He is  a major activist and always supports the LGBTQ+ Community and even came out as gay recently. People think he likes someone in the band but he always mentions that they are like brothers to him. This man had stolen Cyrus' heart a long time ago.

After Cyrus lets go, I reach into my back pocket and pull out the VIP passes. "Tickets are cool..." I started off "but if you wanted to meet them, you would need these." Cyrus looked at us and picked up each of us and spun us around. I guess going to the gym was finally paying off for him. We told him he needs to go home and change because the concert was starting in a couple hours. He immediately ran out the door. Andi and I laughed and headed to go get ready in our rooms.


Once we arrived at the venue, they checked our tickets and we waited in a lobby with about 20 other people to meet the band. Cyrus' leg was moving quickly up and down, a smile never leaving his face. I don't know how Andi and I will top this birthday but I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 

"I get to meet my future man. TJ Kippen." Cyrus sighed dreamily and Andi and I just smiled at him. 

Cyrus' POV

After about a 30 minute wait, a man with a headset tells us to follow him and we walked with the group to the stage. There was a backdrop and then I saw them: Triangle of Oblivion. TJ Kippen was standing there all glorious and amazing. He was decked out in pride gear and even had rainbow suspenders. He was smiling as he was greeting everyone and telling us to come in. The line was long to get to them but I had my pride pin on and I was committed. 

Once Andi, Buffy and I got to the front of the line, everything felt like it was in slow motion. I went to hug all the members first and when I hugged TJ, I felt like I heard his heart beating super fast, but then again, I was probably just so excited. After we took our group photo, all of us were talking and laughing about the band. Though I was excited to see them, I wanted to remain calm as much as I could. I thought I saw TJ staring at me but before I could ask anything we were saying goodbye and being ushered to our seats for their soundcheck. During the soundcheck, TJ and I made a lot of eye contact which made me blush for a while. He winked at me towards the end and my heart almost stopped.

After finishing up soundcheck and all the VIP goodies (and even got selfies with them after) we left so they could get ready for the show and we could get merch. This was truly the best birthday already and nothing could truly top it.


After we finished the VIP stuff, the boys and I had the chance to hang a little bit before the show started. We usually end up talking about the people that caught out eye during the meet and greet and no one really did that for me until I met


"Guys, do you remember the group that had Andi, Buffy and Cyrus?" I said while talking to them and they nodded. "Cyrus was absolutely adorable dude. He had his little pride pin and knew like, every song. I really liked him. I wish you guys saw him blush after I did a little wink at him. Call me crazy but I need his number before we leave this show." I said while looking at them.

"Wow T, that look is something different." Jonah says while looking at me.

"Dude, I never heard you talk about no guy, nevertheless a guy like that. Get him on stage, serenade a song to the guy, get his number and get married!" Marty says laughing.

He laughs but I plan on doing just that. With the show happening in 2 hours, we decided to finish getting ready in our rooms. I tell security to try to find Cyrus and bring him backstage before the serenading bit and they nod while looking into the audience. I start to get excited since every show is an experience no fan should get and hopefully Cyrus will feel like that too.

"Mr. Kippen. It's showtime" Security says to me and I smile.

Let's do this.


That is the ending of Part 1 my lovely people! Part 2 is coming around the corner for not only this, but for other one shots in this book! We will see TJ shoot his shot to our lovely Cyrus and who knows what else will happen? ;)

Be sure to vote on this, comment on this with any ideas and your thoughts and don't forget to smile my beautiful people! See you all next time! :)

P.S. If anyone can guess why their name is called Triangle of Oblivion, You'll get a shout out in an upcoming one shot :) Hint: Andi Mack Reference to their personalities

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