Liar (Part 2/2)

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Note: I don't own that video. Rights to whoever it they belong to and blah blah blah. I don't want this taken down.

It's so damn cute though omg. I rewatched it like 20 times cause I was so happy.

But enough about me. Here's part 2 ;)

"You are the sun, the moon and all of my stars"


I know Cyrus and I have a lot of trust in each other, but I can see why he had to figure this out. I'm not the best liar and I don't like lying to him. It was a bad combination. Buffy said she'll leave us alone but reassured Cyrus that she'll start the car whenever he wanted to leave. No questions asked. When she gets into the car, Cyrus turned to me.

"Please do" Cyrus says, nearly about to cry. It's cold out and Cyrus' face is turning red from the coldness and crying a little.

"I can't give full details but know that I love you so mu-" I start off but Cyrus cut me off. "Why does that sound so hard to believe right now?" Cyrus says sadly.

I try to explain that the gym needed it in order to stay open but Cyrus couldn't focus on my story because he was staring at the cuts on my face. "Even if you had to do that, why did you start boxing?" Cyrus said confused. I got quiet and looked away from him. He can't know I was boxing for our engagement rings.

"Did you do it for a thrill? For fun?" He asks confused but I just stared at him. If I don't speak, he's gonna get mad. If I do, I might spill the beans. I just mutter out a 'sorry' and Cyrus scoffs.

"Teej, I think it's understandable to say that I will be staying at Buffy's for a little bit. I think we need some space. Let me know if our relationship is worth more than a sorry." Cyrus quips. He walks back to the car and after my useless mentions of yelling his name, he just got in the car and Buffy drove off into the night with my heart.

I need to fix this and fast.

*Time Skip*

It's been 2 weeks since Cyrus found out and he won't talk to me. I'm not giving up though. I would never do that to Cyrus. I called and talked to Buffy last week and once she knew my reasons, she decided to help me instantly. She was mad at how I went about it, but she knows how much I love Cyrus.

After I told her to stall Cyrus for the day. I came to her house at night and showed up at her door in a rented tux and sunflowers. I knock on the door and adjusted my tux collar. The door opened and Cyrus opened the door and his mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"Teej. What are you doing?" Cyrus asked. Buffy must have convinced him to get ready because he answered the door in a blue button down with black skinny jeans and navy blue converse. Buffy came from behind and smiles at me. "Cy, we don't have dinner reservations. TJ is going to take it from here." Cyrus went to say something but Buffy cut him off. "Cyrus, trust me and trust TJ. He's a good guy." She explains as she pushes me out the doorframe and closes and locks the door.

Cyrus gives me a hesitant look but I explain. "Cyrus, I know things didn't go as planned but please. Let's just get into the car and I'll explain everything. Our relationship is more than just a 'sorry'. My actions from this point on will explain more than any words I can say right now." I say pleeding.

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