Liar (Part 1/2)

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Everyone is like 23.

"Muffin, I can explain"


"Good morning" I hear as I walk through the kitchen. I see Cyrus cooking breakfast. I say it back as I sit at the table and Cyrus smiles at me. As he finishes up, he's turned away so he doesn't notice me staring at him as I always do. Cyrus and I have been together since middle school and I think I can finally propose. I have tried to bring up a promise ring twice and though Cyrus didn't say no, he just explained that he wanted to finish his schoolwork and make sure he is more financially stable before I even thought of spending money on it. Though I understood, it didn't mean each rejection didn't hurt.

Cyrus graduated almost a year ago and has been at his job for almost a year. I think we're ready. There is just one problem.

I've been lying to Cyrus.

Cyrus knows I am the head of the children's gym for Shadyside and has been visiting for a while. What Cyrus doesn't know is under there, I let a group of "interesting people" run illegal boxing events 2 times a week at night in that same gym.

I know what you're thinking: It's a bad idea. What else I'm doing gets worse my readers.

The gym was running low on money and when I got approached, they told me that I could make 60% of what they bring in and they bring in a lot of money. Without them, I don't think the gym would have been open at this point. Even though I brought up the promise ring to Cyrus the past two times, I didn't have a ring. I was saving for it. Now I've pushed back to just get a ring. With the gym not making as much money, I had to make money so I did what any other man would do when they want to give the world to their partner:

I did what I had to do.

I started boxing there on both days.

I couldn't just take the money from the fights to my personal needs. It's to keep the place open. Cyrus and I usually don't lie to each other because we believe honesty is the best policy. I knew he would try to stop me if he knew plus a proposal is always supposed to be a surprise. I haven't gotten beaten up super bad. Just a cut here and there. I just tell Cyrus a kid didn't see where they were looking and I got hit. I can tell he's getting suspicious though. He didn't even say good morning to me today. He just smiled.

I just need to do this last fight tonight and then once I propose, it'll all be over.

*Time Skip*

Cyrus's POV

"Buffy. I usually trust TJ with everything in my heart. That man is my world but he is lying to me." I say sadly as I drink my coffee. TJ has been picking up "late hours" at his job to make money but he won't tell me anymore. What late hours do you need? Kids are asleep by the time you close! I don't think he's working at all.

I think he could possibly be cheating on me.

I don't even want to suggest it (a part of me doesn't believe it) but he's done the promise ring situation twice and I didn't take it because they cost a lot of money and I knew TJ was struggling. I know it hurts him, but I make enough money for both of us but TJ doesn't want to quit his job. He loves the kids too much.

Now I'm wondering if he loves me the same.

Buffy grabs my hand. "Cyrus. That boy has been in love with you since middle school. If you can survive Kira, you can get through anything." I sigh contentedly with her answer but as I look at Buffy's face, she seems unsure herself.

"Buffy, it's been like this for a month. I need answers. I think we need to..." I trail off, not believing I was about to suggest this.

"I think we need to spy on him." I say sadly. Buffy shakes her head. "Cy, that isn't the answer. You have to trust TJ and I know TJ isn't doing anything that is too bad. He is completely in lov-" but I cut her off. "Buffy please! I need to know. I'm stressed and sad." I say as my voice croaks, tears welling in my eyes.

Buffy sighs as she drinks the last bit fo her coffee. She looks like she was about to say no until she looked at my face.

"We leave tonight."

*Time Skip*

As TJ kissed me goodbye, I grab his hand before he leaves. "Are you sure you don't have anything to tell me? You look worried each time you leave." I say as I give him my signature puppy dog eyes. TJ closes his eyes and sighs. He tells me to have a good night and to not wait on him. He opens the door and as he leaves our garage, Buffy's car comes in the driveway a mere minute after. I slip on my shoes and we head off to see what my baby is truly doing.

We follow TJ to the children's gym and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.  He wasn't lying. I was about to tell Buffy to turn around when I noticed that he didn't go through the front door. He went to the side ally. Buffy and I looked at each other before she parked across from the ally and walked across the street to the side ally. When we looked, there was one security guard by a dark black door that led to another part of the gym.

When the security guard made eye contact with Buffy, he remained firm but when he saw me, his eyes widened but he tried to play it off.

"Password?" He said gruffly while crossing his hands. Buffy mentioned we don't have it which just led him to point to our car and said to leave. Buffy was about to leave when I looked at him. "Look, I don't know if what's behind that door is super bad, but my boyfriend slash basically future husband is behind that door. I need to know what's going on. I love him and I'm worried." I sad sadly. The man sighed, pulled out his walkie and said there was a code SWING approaching. As Buffy and I looked confused, he let us in.

We stood there in shock before snapping out of it and going in. The events in that room was so bad that I think I'll have nightmares. Worse of all, TJ was in the ring fighting an older, buffer, scary guy. They both looked a little out of it but TJ seemed determined. Buffy tried to put her hand over my eyes but I had to see this for myself. TJ finishes the guy with an uppercut and wins, sending the arena into an uproar. TJ 'Underdog' Kippen won the match. As he holds up the trophy, a ring girl whispered in his ear and all the color drained from his face.

He looked around and saw me and Buffy by the door. As he looked at me, I pushed away from Buffy and rushed to the car. I looked back and saw the security guard mouthed 'he didn't want to' but the shock still hurts me.

As I make it to the car, Buffy rushed after me and told me to wait for TJ. TJ came out later on with bandaids on this face and a black backpack.

"That kid looked a little bigger than the ones I see you with" I say with an eyebrow raised. TJ sighed and looked  at me with pleading eyes.

"Muffin, I can explain"

\\\\\Part 1/2 //////

Ooh man. Cyrus and TJ's relationship is on the rocks. What will we do?

Go to the next part. That's what ;)

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