Red Rooster Rockout (Cyrus' POV)

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{R}{E}{D} {R}{O}{O}{S}{T}{E}{R} {R}{O}{C}{K}{O}{U}{T}

If you have not read TJ's POV of this that I have written earlier, I think a refresher on it is cool, but not really needed. You do see the story from his POV too and it's all fluff and cuteness either way! You could even read this one and go back. The order doesn't matter :)

Cyrus' POV

I walked in as Bowie read off the clipboard for the Rockout. I turned to Amber, Andi and Buffy and did a small wave. After Bowie finished talking, I ran up to them.

"Are you guys excited for this?! It's all your first time performing!" I whispered while they all nodded in agreement. As they continued talking, I looked up to see TJ looking really deep in thought. I sighed deeply.

I wish I ran across his mind, at least once.

I feel so close but so far from him. 

I don't have a chance.

I decided I was going to go talk to him and excuse myself from the conversation.

"Hey. Scary basketball guy. What's got you that deep into thought?" I said smiling. TJ jumps for a little and looked at me and smiled. It looked like he was going to say something else, but hesitated before responding.

"Hey you know my name now Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin. Why are you not using it? Honestly nothing major. Just basketball and my stuff." He said while shrugging. He glanced over at the clipboard for the Rockout for a quick second but that was all it took for me to give him some advice.

"Well maybe you should let some of those thoughts out and into the world. Sign up for the Rockout" I said and grabbed the clipboard. I added a wink and smiled.

Was that too much?

TJ took a breath but he didn't say anything. All he did was stare at me. My anxiety started to build up inside of me.

We never maintained eye contact for this long and this close to each other.

I mumbled "I gotta go" while shoving the board in his hand and rushed out of the Red Rooster.

What am I doing? That was way too bold. I can't believe I did that.

*Time skip to the show*

As Bowie introduced Amber, I was backstage calming everyone down. I know my friends and I know they are nervous to go on stage. I'm always going to be there for my friends.

TJ is pacing back and forth while looking down and taking deep breaths.

I want to see if I can calm him down. We're friends too.

"Hey TJ. I'm really glad you signed up for this. You're going to do great." I said smiling. I never expected TJ to do anything like this, but I knew he wasn't shy. He already plays basketball but this is a different crowd.

"Well if my underdog says I will then I have nothing to worry about right?" He said smiling back. I always loved his smile. He's so confident and I'm so...not. 

Wait a second....I just realized something.

"Hey! I said your name, why'd you say my nickname?" I asked with a pout on my face. I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Nicknames are still my thing." TJ responded while putting a arm around him. "You know what I'm saying?" He said, smiling that bright smile again.

I feel my breathing get short and my heart start beating faster. I'm really like him and I don't think he likes me back at all.

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