You(tuber) look familiar

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{Y}{O}{U}{T}{U}{B}{E}{R} {L}{O}{O}{K} {F}{A}{M}{I}{L}{I}{A}{R}

Added this video because it is just cute and it covers really good reasons to ship them. Not my video but I hope you enjoy it along with the chapter :)


I was at my locker getting my stuff out for classes. I close my locker and jump because Andi appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi TKO!" she says excited. I roll my eyes but say hi back. TKO is a joke we have from when a guy named Jonah tried to hit on me. 

Flashback to last year on Valentine's Day

I was sitting at lunch waiting on my friend Reed when Jonah appeared out of nowhere and sat across from me. People told me he might do something for me on Valentine's day but I didn't believe them because Jonah and I never talk.

"Umm hey Jonah. What brings you by?" I ask in a confused voice.

"Hey TJ. I just had a quick question.Are you a boxer?" Jonah asks.

"No...That's a weird question man. Why do you ask?"

 "Well you should be because you're one a TKO aka total knock out! " he says smirking as he gets up, slides his number over on a piece of paper and leaves my table.

I watched him leave and my head was spinning for a good bit.

Flashback over

I cringe at the memory. "Can we not talk about that? And why are you at my locker?" I ask as I close it so we can walk and talk to class.

"You know we walk to History together everyday and besides, we have a new student in school and I want you to meet him because he needs friends. His name is Cyrus and hey, he's single." She says winking and laughing. I roll my eyes. I haven't even met the guy and she is already trying to get me to date him. Ever since I told her about me liking boys, she thinks every single one is my soulmate. 

"Hey, he could be someone you could be interested in and you don't know it. Watch. I bet I'm right." I just laugh and shake my head.

Andi is crazy but she is also a really good friend to me.

We walk until we are behind Buffy and I scare her. She jumps while Andi and I high five. As she turns around I see what I assume is the new guy.

"You two suck. Anyways TJ, this is Cyrus. He just moved here from LA." Buffy says while gesturing towards him.

"Nice to meet you." Cyrus says smiling. "You too" I pause before continuing. "But I can't help but think that I have seen you before. Have you attended school here at all?" I wondered.

I notice he pales a little before responding. "Nope. Just moved here. My family has cousins out here so we're going to be helping them out and staying out here for a while. Hey Buffy, how do I find my first class?"

"Well we all have the same history class so lets start walking. The bell is going to ring in 5 minutes and it's a bit of a walk." She says smiling.

*Time skip to the end of the day*

I rush home and jump onto Youtube. My favorite Youtuber named AviatorThread has just uploaded a video and my mom said I can watch before I start my homework. His videos are pretty lengthy so I'm grateful she is letting me watch.

I click on the video that says "Pizza Challenge with a surprise guest?!" and after watching for the Ad, I finally see the video.

"Hey there Threadheads! Thanks for coming back to another ridiculous challenge video! I know you saw the thumbnail so here is the surprise guest! Give it up for the one and only CyGuy!"

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