Music, Journals and Lyrics

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{M}{U}{S}{I}{C} {J}{O}{U}{R}{N}{A}{L}{S} {A}{N}{D} {L}{Y}{R}{I}{C}{S}


A lovely request for a lovely person ( @littlecdraws ). Thank you for the idea! Give a follow and check out their stories!

Note in Advance: Lyrics do jump around but we all get the point

Tyrusssss lol

Here we go!


TJ Kippen is someone who likes basketball, helping little kids, and Cyrus Goodman.

At least, that's what Cyrus hoped

See, he knew TJ had this girlfriend (who was just wrong for him in all the right ways) named Kira but Cyrus couldn't help but notice TJ staring at him the hallways and in their classes. He told his best friends Andi and Buffy about his attraction to guys, that he liked TJ, and that he noticed him staring. Though his friends didn't believe him, they did notice the all-star basketball player glancing a little too often at someone who is not only not his girl, but is also a boy.

Once Andi and Buffy explained that they saw TJ staring at him too, he knew what he had to do when he got home.


As Cyrus was walking home, he heard a conversation getting louder and louder. The occasional saying "Kira please calm down" mentioned over and over on the phone. He turned a street corner to see TJ on the phone arguing with someone while looking down. As he takes a deep breath, he looks up to see Cyrus and freezes.

Before TJ could even say a word, Cyrus walks fast past him without looking back. He knew if he stayed in that for a second longer then something was going to happen.

Cyrus eventually came through the door, greeted his parents, and rushed to his room to write in his journal. He had started writing in his journal since he was wondering about boys a little too much than usual. This journal had his secrets, thoughts and on the occasion, homework if he lost a journal. 

After Cyrus wrote about his day, one thought led to another and eventually, he was writing something he never thought he would write: A song.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do

Kira is someone who is just...not a nice person. That's the meanest thing Cyrus wanted to say about her without resorting to curse words. She just had this bad vibe since she came to Jefferson and though Cyrus and Buffy notices it for sure, people like Andi and TJ just didn't see that.

Cyrus and TJ always seemed to have a good time together and joke often. When Kira came and he tries to jokes, she just rolls her eyes. She just doesn't understand him like Cyrus does.

I'm in my room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do''

As Cyrus writes in his journal, "Lemon Boy" by Cavetown thrums his ears. Cyrus takes a deep breath and smiles. This was nice and delicate music he could listen to all day. He knew Kira would never listen to this type of music seeing that she blasts Heavy Metal music through her earbuds every time they are in math class.

Cyrus started thinking about when he used to tutor TJ in math since Buffy couldn't work with him. The overall experience they shared was perfect until Kira came along. She told Cyrus to stop tutoring him since she could do a better job and just yells at TJ instead when he gets answers wrong. He flinches at the memory.

But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's playing basketball
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time

Cyrus cringed when thinking about Kira being two different people. Short skirts (which she only gets away with cause she is on the basketball team) and tank tops by day and basketball player at night.

If you can see I'm the one who understands you

Been here all along so why can't you see

You belong with me

You belong with me

Cyrus always wondered when TJ would notice that they have something special. That they actually belong together and are not just "two friends who were always meant to be in each other lives." Swing scenes between them don't just happen with anybody....or so he thought.

Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey isn't this easy

As Cyrus was walking in the park after getting a text from TJ, he saw him and Kira on the swings laughing and jumping off of the swings. Apparently jumping off the swings is not one of Kira's stuff...not like Cyrus'. He thought back to when TJ and him were talking after the gun situation and ran some fingers through his already tousled hair. 

Why can't liking someone ever be easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town

I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say your fine
I know you better then that
Hey what you doing with a girl like that

Cyrus smiles thinking about all the different smiles TJ has. When he is with Kira, he smiles a little. When he solves a math problem correctly on the first try, he smiles big. When he plays basketball, he smiles bigger. When he's with Cyrus...

He smiles the biggest smile of them all.

Cyrus knows TJ better than most. He knew at that basketball game that he was upset watching Buffy and helped him. He knows he isn't happy with Kira and though they both like basketball, what makes TJ actually stay with her?

What is he doing with her?

As Cyrus finished the rest of the song, he turns off the music, closed his journal and looked into the mirror on his desk and laughs at his hair. He sees the time going slowly into 11pm and knows he needs to turn in before his mom and dad came in.

As he gets into bed, he hears a ding go off from his phone and checks it out.

KipKip: Can we talk about some things Cyguy? I need advice :(

Chocolate Chip: Of course. What's up? :)

And that my friends, led to a long night of ranting, confessions and wanting (and not just from one person) and though Cyrus barely got any sleep, it was worth it because maybe

just maybe

That conversation is one more of many that will bring Cyrus to his happily ever after.


Wow. A one shot I wrote that didn't end with them together?! How cruel am I?

Maybe 13 likes on this one shot will inspire me for a part two ;)

Like, comment and tell me your fave part!

Keep smiling!

Thank you for reading and hopefully I can have another one out for you all soon!

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