Pen Pal Project

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{P}{E}{N} {P}{A}{L} {P}{R}{O}{J}{E}{C}{T}

There is more than meets the eye when you meet a shy TJ Kippen

Third Person POV

Everyone knew TJ Kippen. He had this hard exterior that is basically impossible to crack. If you talk to him, he gives you a look that makes you regret attempting a conversation. He only talked to about two people in school.

His best friend Reed and randomly Cyrus Goodman.

Cyrus was a left field for everyone. Noone knew why TJ had taken a liking to someone like Cyrus.

Cyrus wasn't sure why he liked him. He was a nice guy for sure, but if you knew half the rumors going around about TJ, you wouldn't get it either.

Cyrus and TJ has a writing class together and since the end of the year is coming, the teacher came up with a different idea for the final.

Cyrus' POV

"Okay Class. We have to discuss your final!" says Mrs.Sing excitedly. Everyone groans except me. I love this class and I think it'll be fun.

"Oh stop whining. This is easy." she says with a fake stern voice. Most of us laugh while she gets ready to explain the project.

"This is a secret pen pal project. Everyone is going to pick a partner randomly from the class by picking a name from the hat in front of the class. As time goes on, you will write letters to your partner. Yes James, don't give me that look. I do really mean writing letters. I love being the odd one out. Anyways, get to know your partner because at the very end you will write or make something about your partner. It can be a video, song, rap, whatever your heart desires. The only requirement is that you have to explain why you chose what you did and it needs to have some meaningful connection to your pen pal."

This got everyone talking. We knew each other well but what would we learn from people by not talking to them face to face?

She explained how everyone we would turn them in and we went one by one to pick a name. Some smiled really big, while others had a look of confusion. When it was my turn, I pick a piece of paper and my face widen in surprise:

Walker Marcell.

I only know what Andi and Buffy have told me to it'll be interesting to see what I'll learn.

TJ follows after me and whoever he got, he must have mixed emotions because first he smiled really big and then he whole expression dropped.

Time will tell who he got. I lowkey feel sorry for that person.

*Two weeks later*

As time has passed on, the person I've been talking to has been really interesting. I found out it was a he based on a slip up he made but I didn't let him or anyone know about it. He told me he played piano and that he has a sister that attends here. One of the things that was the shocking reason why green is favorite color. It wasn't because of a childhood memory or anything like that.

It was because his thinks his crush looks really good in green. 

He also said his crush was a boy and though he hasn't told anyone that, he felt that he could trust me with that information. He also wishes people at this school wasn't so judgmental otherwise he'd attempt to ask the guy out. That surprised me because though there are some same sex relationships around here, people tend to have mixed emotions about it. Now we have someone here who is just like me:  Someone who wants to just be accepted.

It is not easy. I know I was scared to tell Buffy and Andi. 

 I look around the room sometimes to see if I can figure it out but no one is a close enough guess.

We have to present our projects in a week and I decided to attempt at painting Walker something. I know art is his thing but I think he'd like the thought.

My pen pal said he was excited and nervous to present so time will tell on what he will do.

*Day of presentation*

Everyone is buzzing because we're slowly revealing ourselves as the projects go on.

The one thing in common is that everyone loved this project and what their final items were from their pen pals. I saw new friendships in here I never knew was coming.

"Cyrus Goodman. Your turn" Mrs.Sing says excitedly.

I walk up to the front of the classroom and show my painting off. I painted Walker's name in red on the canvas and then used other colors to paint different words around his name. I explained that Walker is more of an art guy and talked about things in our letters. These words described that.

Everyone applauded as I gave Walker his gift, we hug and then I sit down.

"TJ Kippen. It's your turn" we hear our teacher say.

TJ goes up and does a few things on the computer while everyone gets quiet.

"This person probably didn't realize they had me because I told them things that wouldn't give myself away. Things that when people think of me, it'd be the last thing they think about. I wanted it to stay secret but I know I had a slip up or two gender wise. Anyways, this person told me to always keep going and to not be scared about admitting something to someone I really really like. I'm not usually a nervous person, but what can I say? Every one has their firsts. With that being said. This one's for you Cyrus. Hit it"

My eyes widen. I'm the sorry person who got him?!

My feelings started rushing through me all at once. A feeling I never experienced with Iris or Jonah.

The lights turn off as a video plays in our class. TJ played a song on the piano and sung for everyone. He sings about what I said in the letters and sung about how he liked more than a friend.

Everyone was in shock, even Mrs.Sing looked like her eyes were about to pop out.

When he was done singing, the lights turned back on and all he said was "i'll text you later underdog" with a smirk and walked back to his seat in the back of the class.

Everyone stared at me and I stared at TJ who was staring right back at me.

"Well, that was...awesome!" Emily said in the front.

"Super cute. I ship it." Sophia said.

Everyone started clapping and TJ just smiled and looked down. I clapped too and even laughed a little.

I had so many questions:

Who knew TJ would have actually played piano for the class?

Who knew the person with the tough exterior would end up wanting to date me?

Who knew I would want to date him back?  

But most of all

Who knew this project would change us?  

As we ate lunch by each other a week later, I was so thankful that TJ got me as a pen pal because we both got a boyfriend.


I think we all knew, am I right everyone? lol

I love writing these. If you have a suggestion for a one shot, feel free to leave a comment!

Vote, comment and have an amazing day.

Remember to smile! :)

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