The Boy Who Went Mute

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Hey there :) Hope you are doing okay!

Well, a lot has happened since I've updated. Sorry, it's been so long. I know Covid-19 going around has affected a lot of people. I'm in the US and the quarantine is just starting over here. I'd like to believe that this book still makes someone smile so since I just finished up college for the semester, I'm going to try and update it during this time.

Hopefully, you enjoy and thanks for reading! I made it a bit longer since I've been away but it'll be worth it! Promise! This is one of my favorite ones, to be honest.


TJ tends to move pretty often and he doesn't try to make a lot of friends at his schools. He just enrolled in Grant High School midway through his Senior year and popularity followed instantly. Though he didn't want it too, it seems as if everyone loved a new kid and one that wears only black and white at that. Girls stop and stare and boys always give their mixed reactions. As the months go on, TJ accepts it and just forces himself to talk to people. Better than being alone right?

One day, while he was in his calculus class, the door snapped open and small snickers began to be heard around the classroom. TJ looks up in confusion and sees a boy with brown hair and brown eyes in a baby blue sweater walking in with a paper in hand. He gives it to the teacher and as she looks it over, she nods and he walks quickly out. Immediately after he leaves, people began talking. TJ hears small conversations from the people around them.

"...I know right? He never talks. What's up with him?" One guy says.

"Is he still dating that Jonah kid or did they break up? They broke up...right?" Another girl mentions.

When TJ heard those, he raised an eyebrow. This guy is not in the popular crowd (trust him, he would know) so how did he grab everyone's attention, including his own?

He has to know who it is.


As TJ ate his lunch, he decided to ask his friend Reed who he was. He was in the same calculus class as him. When TJ brought up the question, Reed's eyes widen.

"Teej, you've only been here for a bit and you told me you move a lot right? Don't bother knowing. It's not worth the mental space." Before he could respond, he heard a perky voice that says "He's right baby. Don't even give him the time of day."

He turns to see his "girlfriend" Kira. He uses that loosely because they are not together for a lot of reasons. She is clingy, rude, and a hot mess if he was being honest but there is one overall reason why he wouldn't date her.

He's gay.

So gay.

Super gay.

She can't fix that. She doesn't even know that he is. No one does actually. He tells her that she will be right back as he notices the baby blue sweater boy leaving the cafeteria, an apple in one hand and a chocolate chocolate chip muffin in another.

As he walks slowly behind him, he realizes that they end up at the library of all places. Before he walks in, he stares at the apple and then the muffin. He simply tosses the apple in the trash and happily bites into the muffin as he walks into the library. He waited outside about two minutes before he walked in and then looked around barely used room.

As he walked through he saw a couple making out, a nerd reading something the school library truly would never have, and a girl with her laptop watching YouTube. As he gives up on finding the boy he was looking for, he sat at a table and pulled out some homework. After a couple of minutes, He heard a chair squeak but did not think much of it until a small piece of paper that was folded slowly slid into his eyesight.

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