Flower Crown Goodman

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{F}{L}{O}{W}{E}{R} {C}{R}{O}{W}{N} {G}{O}{O}{D}{M}{A}{N}

T.J. and Cyrus are in 11th grade in this One Shot. Enjoy!

Cyrus's POV

I am the flower crown king.

If you want a flower crown, I'm the Cy-Guy to do it.

Though I didn't expect this to happen, It all started when I decided to do something different.

Since I've been around TJ, I've been giving new things a try since he pushes me to and though he doesn't know about me making flower crowns in my spare time (no one truly does), I finally have enough courage to wear one to school. 

I wore a burgundy rose flower crown with tiny gold leaves around the band along with a burgundy sweater, black jeans and shoes to school one day and when Buffy and Andi saw me, their jaw dropped! 

I hope it was in a good way.

"Cyrus...You're wearing a flower crown. Why?" Andi asked, her head tilting to the side the slightest.

All of a sudden, I got nervous.

"I...I thought it would look nice! Does it look weird? I'll take it off." I replied as I tried to pull it off. She explained that it looked great and that she was just surprised. Buffy agreed and we walked to class. Everyone was complimenting me and as someone who is usually in the shadows, this was kinda nice.

After wearing a different one for a week, girls started asking me if how much would it cost to make them one. I wasn't going to charge at first, but seeing as this was an opportunity to donate money to my favorite charities and save for college, I decided that charging would be a good thing.

Eventually I had a full blown business going and flower crowns were everywhere at school.

$5 for a daisy one 

$8 for a rose one since they are a little more expensive

$10 for a custom one

Everyone was so happy. Even some guys started wearing them (Which immediately made them ladies men) and that really set it all in stone. Even Metcalf thought the flower power going around the school bought the school together as one unintentionally.

One day while I was at my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see none other than T.J. Kippen. He smiled at my flower crown as I turned around before speaking.

"Umm...hey Cyrus. I kinda had a question for you." T.J. says while adjusting his backpack strap.

"Hi TJ. No nicknames this time? Wow. What's the question?" I laugh, while slightly blushing. I was adjusting something in my locker when he spoke.

He mumbles something and looks off. He looks like he is blushing.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." I say, raising one eyebrow in the process.

"Can I...take you somewhere special today? A surprise?" He said looking at the ground nervously.

I was surprised. We've hung out at the movies, arcade, and even gone out for pizza, but somewhere special? a surprise?  This is new. Though my friends think we are already dating and we act like a couple, neither T.J. or I are bold enough to make it official.

We just go with the flow but we know that we like each other. hopefully.

"Of course. I'd be honored." I said while grabbing his hand. T.J. smiled while rubbing my knuckles. We make plans to meet after school and go through our day. After school was done, we head to this surprise place in his car. After begging T.J. to tell me what it is but him not budging, I decided to give up.

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