Lookbacks (My Season Finale Part 2/2)

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If you're jumping in from part 1, Thanks for reading and let's keep going!

If you're jumping in from part 2, What are you doing you crazy rule breaker? Go back a section and check out part 1! You're missing out on pure awesomeness! Can't read this one without that one!

Here we go!


Thank you!

Third Person POV

\\\\\Still at Andi's Party////

The party seemed to show no sign of stopping. TJ decided to relax on a bench and watch the party go by. It really was a great party and he was glad he was invited this time since he couldn't get an invite the first time. As TJ started thinking about the past, Cyrus came up to the bench. "Can I sit here?" Cyrus said while pulling on his ends of his shirt. "Sure." TJ said smiling.

"Do you like the party?" Cyrus asked while looking at TJ and TJ said that he did and they talked about random bits from the song they sang to Marty's comedy bit. After they finished, the tension felt a little thick, both boys unsure of what to say. 

"I" both boys started out saying at the same time and then they laughed. "You first" Cyrus said while turning towards TJ. He took a breath and looked away and look back. Sensing the nervousness, Cyrus told him. "Hey, you don't have to tell me, but remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know. It's okay." TJ smiled at him. "I want to tell you what my real name is." TJ said, almost wincing afterwards. He usually doesn't tell people but he wanted to tell Cyrus. He knows they have a special connection and he knew that.

"Wow! I can't believe I'm actually going to know." Cyrus said excitedly and then calmed himself down. "It's Tyler James" ( Note: I have no idea if I should put Tyler or Theodore and I got this from a lot of suggestions on Twitter. I don't even have a guess for his name but let's keep going. I lowkey wish it was Tommy/Thomas James. That'd be cute.) TJ says slowly, making a face "Dude. That's a great name!" Cyrus said smiling at him while explaining afterwards why it was. After a while, TJ started to slow Cyrus' excitement.

"Thank you Cyrus. Now, is there anything you would like to tell me?" He said while looking at him in his eyes. Cyrus panicked and you saw the fear in his eyes. TJ reminded him to remember what he told him and he agreed.

"I don't...think Kira and I would ever get along." Cyrus said while looking at him. It's not exactly a confession, but it's a start. "Why's that?" TJ said. Cyrus took a deep breath before responding. "When two people have the same...feeling towards one person and it's strong, it either bonds them together or breaks them even more apart." TJ gave Cyrus a confused look. "What feeling could that be?" and Cyrus responded with:

"Liking someone." 

Cyrus really wanted to leave and run from his feelings but he wouldn't be owning the words he told TJ and Cyrus was all about honor. "So you think that Kira has a crush on me?" TJ asked and Cyrus nodded. "Does that mean that..." TJ took a breath before starting again. "You have a... crush on... me?" and Cyrus felt like a weight had been lift off his chest but then got replaced with a bigger one.

"I..do. I just told someone I liked them and outed myself at the same time. What a interesting party this has been" Cyrus said while laughing a little. During this whole conversation, TJ and Cyrus' hands were so closed to each other that with one move, they would be linked. TJ looked at Cyrus and went to link his pinky with Cyrus'. Cyrus looked at their pinkies while TJ talked. "I'm glad you told me. I don't know where I lie on a lot of things, I do know that...I like you too." TJ said nervously. They both smiled at each other and though they didn't know exactly what would happen after this party, they knew they wouldn't be the same in a good way.

\\\\\Time skip/////

As the party came towards an end, Andi's parents (Bex and Bowie), Cyrus, Buffy, Jonah and Andi were all gathered by a campfire and talking about their past experiences in middle school and the fun times they shared. They laughed, they cringed and they smiled. 

"Before we start clean up, I want to show guys something." Andi said slowly and nervously. Andi got up and the others followed to look inside Andi Shack. 

Andi Shack was barren. Gray and empty just like how it was before Andi put anything up. Everyone gasped when they saw it. "Did you know she was going to do this?" Bex asked Bowie and he shook his head. "Why would you do this?" Buffy said surprised. 

"Because I needed room." Andi said while looking into it. A part of her was mostly sad that all her crafts were taken down, but she knew it was all worth it.

"Room for a bigger project?" Cyrus asked confused and Andi sighed. "I applied for the Shadyside Academy of Visual Arts-SAVA for short and I needed room...for all my high school projects." She said smiling.

"Wait, that means you applied and got in?" Buffy said excitedly and Andi nodded, explaining she got an email about it right before the party. Everyone started jumping up and down and hugging each other. As they let go, Buffy looked sad and everyone asked her what was wrong.

"If Andi got into SAVA, She isn't going to Grant for high school. I'm not going to high school with my best friend." Buffy said sadly. "-But" Cyrus said continuing from what Buffy stated "Andi is going to SAVA and she is going to do amazing. We are so happy for you." Cyrus said, tears forming in his eyes. The GHC hugged and smiled. They knew that what they had was unbreakable. They have been friends since they were little kids and while SAVA isn't the same as Grant, they knew they would be okay. They would still have their meet ups at the spoon, go to the park and talk about their problems to each other no matter how big or small.

As everyone went inside to clean up, each Jefferson Middle School student thought back to the memories made at that party and smiled. This wasn't the last of the parties and it sure wasn't the last of the Good Hair Crew.


I hoped you enjoyed this! I have no idea if I am close or if I am far off but I am about to find out because I can watch the finale now! 

Please vote, comment and always keep smiling. The GHC kids were the ones that made it and we were the ones that watched it all.

Thank you to every person that took the time to read not just this oneshot, but any oneshot I made. These are truly my happy place and I love all the comments I received on this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Andi Mack is one of my favorite shows and I'm a girl in college. This show not only is great for all ages and means the world to me. The barriers it broke speaks boundaries. Teen pregnancy, LGBTQ+ Community, Deaf Community are just some of the many topics they leave you with. I hope everyone that reads this finds their GHC in real life because I have mine and I never want to lose them.  Every character taught me something and I hope they reside in all of us.

Until next time, D'Ahna.

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