Cyrus the Creative

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Another update cause I start college tomorrow and would rather write this then look for $100+ books needed for class!

Inspired by the photo. Enjoy!

Cyrus' POV
Since Buffy had basketball practice, Andi and I decided to hang out in Andi Shack until she was done doing making goals and running touchdown drills.

I really am not a sports person.

Andi started creating another beautiful bracelet for her collection and I was currently stringing the most hideous colors together to try to make one as amazing as hers.

"Cy, let me help you. As you can see, it's more than stringing random colored beads together." I agree and grimace at the creation I had in front of me. Yellow, orange, green, and brown beads of all sizes reflect off the sunlight. AS I put it to the side, Andi explains how she pairs colors based on some things such as cold tones, warm tones, primary and secondary colors as well as what she just thought worked. After listening, I got inspired.

Andi and I got to work again and we created an awesome bracelet. It was blue and black and had a silver medallion with a 'C' etched into it. After I put it on my wrist, I got excited and hugged Andi. I loved it. As I stared at mine, I asked Andi a question that I knew would get me a lot of teasing from her but I wanted to do it anyway.

"If I made one for TJ, one that looked just like mine, do you think he'd wear it? Wait no, that's stupid. Forget I asked. He wouldn't match with me. If Jonah didn't like wearing matching jackets, I'm guessing no guy likes to do anything like that."

Andi was quiet for a second and then looked at me. "TJ isn't like Jonah at all Cyrus. If you want to make one for him, you should do it. I bet he'll love it." She smiles. I breath a sigh with a relief and Andi grabs my non bracelet hand with a touch of support. She grabs more beads just like mine from a jar on the shelf and in a couple minutes, it was created. Same black and blue assortment, except the 'T' on the silver medallion moved with the sunlight. I sigh contently and then look at Andi who was already looking at me.

"Give it to him tomorrow Cyrus. He's going to love it." She says softly. I nod in agreement. Bex called us in to grab a snack and I wear both bracelets on either wrist so I wouldn't lose them.

As I eat my sandwich, I thought of one word: Tomorrow.

The next day, I walk down the hallway heading to the my first class. I hear someone go 'boo' and it was no one other than TJ Kippen. I think that if the hallway wasn't as crowded, I would have jumped higher. He laughs a little at my reaction and asked me how I was going.

"Hey, nice bracelet underdog. I love the colors. Those are my top favorites." TJ says and I smile.

Which I lowkey already knew. That's why I chose those colors for the bracelets.

As we were about to walk into class, I stopped TJ. "Hey, since I have two bracelets, why don't I give you one?" I say (hopefully smoothly) and take it off my wrist.

"Oh that's nice of you Cyrus, and I don't really wear jewelry..." TJ starts and I started incoherently babbling about how it was a dumb idea and that I shouldn't have even asked and TJ raised an eyebrow.

"Cy, you didn't let me finish. I don't usually wear bracelets but I'll wear it because you gave it to me. You're really important to me after all." TJ says smiling. I feel my breath get taken away by that. I slide a bracelet on his wrist and TJ smiles at me. After we leave class, we say goodbye as I head to science. As Mr. Walters drone on and on about aliens (yes he is a weird one), I pick at my bracelet and turn the silver medallion over and grasp softly.

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