💙Birthdays and Boys in a band (Part 2/2)💙

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{B}{I}{R}{T}{H}{D}{A}{Y}{S} {A}{N}{D} {B}{O}{Y}{S} {I}{N} {A} {B}{A}{N}{D}

Here is the lovely part 2 of BaBiaB! Hopefully you all enjoy. If you have not read part 1, then this will 8/10 be very confusing for you so go ahead and read that, leave a vote and come right back to here ;)

Great job to FluteGirl24, _spazzymx, that-random-fangirl8 for guessing correctly why they were named Triangle of Oblivion! 

Here we go!

\\\\\ Beginning /////


"Ladies and Gentleman how are we doing tonight?!" I yell into the microphone. People were screaming so loud that my earpiece almost came out. Definitely one of our loudest shows to date. After I asked them again and had the cheers increase, I started off the show.

"If you don't know, my name is TJ, our guitarist is Jonah and our drummer is Marty and we are...Triangle of Oblivion." I say while doing a silly move. The audience cheered and I finished up my speech up and explained we were starting off with a song called "Somersault", which is one of our most popular ones and we start performing.

As the show goes on, Jonah and I take turns talking and while he is talking, I look in the VIP pit to see Cyrus along with Andi and Buffy talking. I run to security and point out Cyrus, Andi and Buffy in the pit and they nod so they could get them. I run back on stage after Jonah finishes talking and we continue with two more songs before we decide to slow it down. By now, Cyrus, Andi and Buffy have been rocking it from backstage so when it's time for the serenade, I already was in a great spot.

"Now guys, I usually run into the audience and find someone to serenade, but I already found someone before the show even began." Though I heard some awws, most people were cheering.

"This person was someone I met during the soundcheck and if I'm being honest, I thought he was so adorable, that I had to bring him out here so everyone could see him. Is that okay with you all? Can I bring him out?" Everyone started cheering and Cyrus was covering his mouth with his hands and had his eyes wide open in shock.


I run over to the side of the stage and smile at Cyrus. I asked him if he was ready and he just nodded so I grabbed his hand and brought him out to the stage. Everyone started cheering as I brought him out and he started smiling really big. "Tell the audience your name and one fact about yourself cutie." I say while handing him the microphone.

"M-my name is C-Cyrus and today is actually m-my birthday." He says all nervous while my eyebrows shot up. I had no idea it was his birthday and that made it even more better. After we all sing happy birthday to him, the lights dim and I sing our song called "Muffin" and everyone went crazy. After we finish, I hug Cyrus and tell him not to leave just yet and he nods.

We finish up the show with confetti and Cyrus, Andi and Buffy coming out on stage to dance with us. While Andi and Buffy can dance like no other, I think Cyrus should stick to being adorable. While the cleaning crew is working hard and Jonah and Marty are talking to Andi and Buffy, I pull Cyrus aside to talk to him.

"Okay so I know this is very weird of me to ask, especially since we just met today and I'm famous and all that, but something is telling me to keep talking to you and getting to know you. I have a free day tomorrow before I leave to the next city and I just had to ask if you were single and if you could show me around...could we even call it a date?" I say while looking at him.

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