Teach me how to Love

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                                          {T}{E}{A}{C}{H} {M}{E} {H}{O}{W} {T}{O} {L}{O}{V}{E}

They are in college and if you're not into student x teacher relationships, then I apologize in advance.

I don't have much time to update cause of school and this one has been chilling as a draft for a minute so hopefully, you enjoy! Peace :)

Cyrus is 24 and TJ is 22.

Cyrus' POV

"Good morning class. Hope you found the assignment about Scientific Notation and Density well. Hope you all studied for the quiz today." I glance up to see students groaning and looking nervous. As I went to take attendance, I notice a new name on my roster.

"Is it pronounced...The-loin-ious? Thelonious Jagger Kippen?" I say while looking around the classroom. A new student raises their hand and I look at him and push up my glasses. "Please call me TJ. Save us all the trouble." He says and I nod and welcome him to the class. Girls around him start giggling after he said that and he rolled his eyes at them. He's giving off a bad boy vibe with his clothes but as the class went on, he asked a lot of questions and seemed interested in what I was saying. It was pretty refreshing. 

As the months went on, I started to notice that TJ was changing and not in a good way. He was coming into class later and he was being more of a class clown than answering questions right. He was being disruptive. It wasn't the same TJ and I care about all my students. I haven't had a student like this since I taught middle school. After I dismiss class, I call Kippen over to my desk. I wait until everyone is gone before I start my conversation with TJ.

"TJ, we're about halfway through the semester and I'll be honest, your grade is not looking so good. What is up with all the jokes in class and coming in almost an hour late?" I look closer at his arms and notice bruises. "Are those bru-" I start but TJ cuts me off by placing his hands on my cheeks. I suck in a breath and my eyes widen. He looks serious so I try not to flinch.

"Mr.Goodman." TJ whispers. "I can't tell you all the answer to every question that you have and I'm sorry for being horrible in your class. All I want to say is that I need a good person in my life and what's better than someone with the last name Goodman...right?". I stare back into TJ's eyes to see a guy who has truly been drained and just needs some support. I should have known there was an underlying meaning to this. I thought I saw something earlier but no one has told me anything.

"I just need a chance," TJ says, as he steps a little away from me.

I put my hand on top of TJ's. I'm not sure how much boundaries this cross but I am a person at the end of the day. 

It's just an encouragement thing, right? I better not end up on the 5:00 news.

 "I care about all my students TJ. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be here for you." TJ nods and bites his lip softly. I'll admit, the lip-biting got my heart racing a bit. TJ wearing all black gets my heart racing and it really shouldn't, especially because he's my student.

I gotta get this out of my head. This is kinda weird.

I notice him staring at me and after I raise an eyebrow, he adjusts his backpack, mumbles something under his breath and rushes out of class.

I wonder what that was about.

As I grab my things, I decide not to overthink too much about today and just go home, feed my dogs, and put on Netflix as I fall asleep to the movie To All The Boys I Loved Before.

*Time Skip*

Thanksgiving was fast approaching and things were slowly getting better with TJ. He was turning back to his old self and we always talked after class. His family life is still sensitive but he shares small things with me, like how he has a sister named Amber and how she is the other person in life he trusts the most. I tried to refer to our counseling services but that didn't smooth over well so I didn't bring it up again.

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