Buckling down the Bucket List

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{B}{U}{C}{K}{L}{I}{N}{G} {D}{O}{W}{N} {T}{H}{E} {B}{U}{C}{K}{E}{T} {L}{I}{S}{T}

"Everyone has things they wish they could do and though some of mine are unconventional, a list is a list"

Or the one where TJ is finally gonna help Cyrus with that list.

Month: September (It's for the timeline)


After taking a stupid math test, it was finally lunch time. Wednesday was my favorite day for lunch -- French Day. French Fries, French Bread Pizza and an happy American TJ. I about to take a bite into my pizza at lunch when I heard a loud thud at my lunch table.

"TJ I NEED YOUR HELP!" I hear someone say millimeters from chomping down on the pizza and I close my eyes in sadness.

"So close" I mumble, as I put my pizza down. I look up to see Cyrus looking at me worried. I always thought he was cute but I don't know if he swings that way so I'm not taking any risks. He's the greatest friend I could ever have.

I just chuckle a little and smirk at him. "Muffin. How can I help?"

"Sorry for yelling. I am excited. I was in English thinking about random things and remember when you promised me you'd help me with my bucket list that one day in the Spoon?" Cyrus asked while jumping in his seat.

"Yeah of course. Cartwheel down, more to go." I say laughing a little while picking up my pizza quickly and taking a bite of it. Heaven.

"Can today be that one day? Before I forget again?" He asks and honestly if I said no, I'd be dumb as hell. I agree and ask him to resend me the list so I can see which one I can help him with today without much planning. I see it's called "The ShyGuy List" and chuckle a little. 

"Hey the title is very well thought out. I was shy about this stuff and people call me Shyguy anyway...so stop it." He says while trying to look mad, but ends up looking more constipated. I chuckle and look the list over.

The Shyguy List



-Learn to be cool

-Learn to ask someone out

-Try a "manly" sport


-Get through a haunted house

"Everyone has things they wish they could do and though some of mine are unconventional, a list is a list." I say a little nervous.  

"Cyrus, this list isn't that bad. We can totally do these by the end of the year." I say while nodding approvingly.

Cyrus's POV

"Oh great. That's only 7/70 so this will work out great. I have to help Andi with some science homework. See ya later TJ and thanks again. I'll text you later." I say smiling and getting up. When I went back to Buffy and Andi's table, I noticed my heart was in line with the way my heart used to beat for Jonah, but I brush it off. It was probably cause I was rushing over here...



As time went on, not only was everything fun to do with him, it was already December and we only had one more thing to do on Cyrus'  list. Well two. I couldn't exactly teach him how to be cool. I think he's great the way he is and if he is confident on that, then the final item on the list would be a breeze for him. I think he blushed after that but Cyrus could do that for any compliment.

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