Bonus Content: Finals Week

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Surprise! Hope you enjoy it!

First Year of College

Cyrus' POV

I groan out loud after reading the same PowerPoint side from my Biology class and then wince when I hear multiple "Shhhs" come from all directions. I gave an apologetic look to everyone, forgetting I was in the library studying and not at the dorm like usual. My roommates, Reed and Lester, decided to have a party instead of studying and though they begged me to stay with them, I knew what was best.

I couldn't believe it when I ended up with them as roommates. They were definitely not my first choice. I put Andi and Buffy but we found out too late that the rooms were not coed. I don't know why we didn't think of that but hey, college is supposed to make you smarter right?

am so stressed about passing this Biology class. I'm not the best in science and I need a B on this final in order to pass this class with a decent grade. My phone buzzed and I saw it was a message from Reed.

R33D the B3ast🔥

What's up Cy the studying guy? L3st3r and I are going to M3l's hous3 to hav3 that wick3d party. Com3 ov3r if you chang3 ur mind. Study in the dorm tho bro.


I never understood why Reed made every 'e' a three. He put his name in my phone and everything. Though it's cringy and looks like one of those "If you can read this, your brain is amazing" messages, the meaning is what matters. I can study in the dorm! I quickly pack up my things, hitting my foot on the edge of the chair. Multiple "Shhhs" came up again and I rolled my eyes.

It's definitely time to go.

I finally get to the dorm and go to my clean section of the dorm. Reed and Lester are messy but they respect my space and that's all I can ask. I study for another 30 min before I feel the tiredness kicking in. I begin to fall asleep when I get a text. My eyes jump in surprise but I open it to see it's from my boyfriend TJ and I smile. 

There are two things getting me through college: Ramen and TJ Kippen

TJ goes to the other university in our state but they are about an hour apart. We're going to see each other again after finals.

Teej 💕

Hey cutie. I know you're studying but I'm checking in on you. On a scale of 1-10, how much of a zombie are you? lol. 

I love you. You can do this!😘

My heart does a flip as I respond to him. He's so sweet. I tell him that it's tough but I'll make it through but I'm an 8...0000 on that zombie scale. 

His next text surprised me.


Awe. You got this babe. Stay up a bit longer because I ordered you some Ramen. Maybe it'll get you to cross the finish line of studying. Also, I already tipped so no worries about giving one lol.

Enjoy it cutie. I'll talk to you later. I love you!❤

This man right here is amazing.

Before I could respond back, I hear a knock and open the door to see the food. I thank the delivery guy and open the Ramen. He got everything I liked in it and I got so excited. I open video chat on my phone and see him looking just as frazzled as I am for studying. He has on his cute glasses and he let his hair grow out. He's become so mature and though people say that it's because of me, Teej did a lot on his own too. I just helped steer the boat occasionally.

"Hey cutie. You didn't have to video chat. We can make it quick so you can study. I know you're tired. How are you?" He said and smiles at me. He really is the best. He always knows just what to say and do to make everything better. 

After talking for ten minutes, we say our goodbyes and I get back to studying while having the ramen. After feeling like I was in a good spot for the test, I decided to finally call it a night and go to sleep.

My dreams were filled with Ramen, TJ, and us being happy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The end 🙂


First bonus!

Love you all! I just finished finals and I'm glad it's over lol. Hope you all finished great too!

Socials! I do follow back. Let me know if you followed from Wattpad 🙂

Twitter: DAhnaTomlinson | Insta: MomentsbyMitchell | Youtube: DD Williams | Tiktok: DAhnaisawesome

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