Take me out to the Basketball game

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{T}{A}{K}{E} {M}{E} {O}{U}{T} {T}{O} {T}{H}{E} {B}{A}{S}{K}{E}{T}{B}{A}{L}{L} {G}{A}{M}{E}

Time period: High school. Cyrus is in 10th grade while TJ is in 11th.

Cyrus's POV

"TJ. I don't get it. We've been dating for a couple months now. Why don't you want me at your games?" I ask as we walk hand and hand in the hallway. It was a big adjustment period for everyone at first, but now people either give weird looks, squeal or keep going.

"Cyrus why is this so important to you?" TJ replies. "They're just basketball games."

"They are not just games. These are important to you and you're important to me."

TJ smiles at me.

"I have the whole crowd supporting me. I'll be okay. I know you haven't been to a game since middle school but I was always anxious when you were there."

"Why? Me being in the crowd could help you play even better then you usually do. It'd be so much fun. I could have Andi there and Buffy and also Jonah and-"

"Jonah? Really?" TJ says with one eyebrow up.

"Don't be like that. We're together and I like you, not him" I say pouting a little.

He smiles for a little but he tells me that his point is the same. No coming to basketball games.

I could easily buy a ticket and go but something is holding him back and I won't pressure him. He means a lot to me.

*A week later* 


I get home from school and practice basketball when my dad comes around the corner.

"Hey. There's my champ! Who lead his team to the Basketball finals?" He says excited.

I just shake my head but say that I did and we both laugh. We shoot some hoops before he grabs the ball.

"How's Cyrus?" My dad asked smiling.

I was nervous telling him I was with a boy a couple months ago but my parents were both very supportive and I appreciated that. I tell him that he keeps asking me about going to a basketball game.

"You shouldn't keep telling him no. He doesn't even really know much about basketball based on what you're telling me, but he wants to go to support you. That's not a bad thing. It doesn't hurt to have an attachment to him."

The last part resonates with me but I decide to ignore it.

"The games have been a bit wild lately. I would be really torn if Cyrus got hurt. These are not like the middle school games. High school games are worse and he doesn't understand that."

"Then let him know about that. Have him take one friend and then go from there."

I agree and thank him and hug him.

*Next day at school*

"Really?!" Cyrus says excited while jumping in the hallway.

He looks so adorable. I don't know how I held off saying no for this long

"Yes but please be careful. Just bring somebody."

"You got it. You won't regret it" He says happily and then hugs me.

"I really hope I won't" I think as I hug back.

*Later that night*

I look into the crowd and smile. My family is there, Buffy and Andi are there, but most of Cyrus is there looking happy with a popcorn in one hand and a pennant of our high school in another.

I make the winning shot for the team sealing us as the champions and everyone rushes to the court to tell us congrats.

I see Cyrus and run to him. He hugs me hard and tells me he's so proud of me. I kiss his nose as confetti with our school colors pop out everywhere. It's as if time stopped or if it was even in slow motion.

I'm glad Cyrus was here with me. This was a big moment and though I was scared, I'm glad he was able to see this.

He's my perfect muffin and





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