Hoodie Happiness

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Umm hi there :)

It's been a while. Sorry about that. School and life.

Hope you enjoy this one :)

Third Person POV
Cyrus stroll into middle school feeling an overwhelmed with emotions. It's not because he have a test today (though that does make him nervous) or because the lunch room is serving my favorite food (Pizza Wednesday can never make him upset). He's walking into school with a hoodie on and not just anybody's hoodie. Oh no. That'd be too weird. He's wearing the hoodie of his boyfriend: TJ Kippen. It's only been a week since they started dating, but man has it been a glorious one according to Cyrus.

After hanging out at the swingset after school last Monday and making things official, TJ and Cyrus texted all the time. Cyrus didn't know that was possible. He actually didn't know a lot of things were possible until TJ came along. As the sun had set with them on the swings, TJ walked Cyrus home feeling just as happy as he did. Cyrus wasn't expecting to stay out as late so he left his jacket and TJ didn't mind helping out the boy with the golden smile.

"So this is what paradise feels like." TJ thought to himself as they got closer to Cyrus' door. "It's Cyrus, swings and sunsets." He thought again. As they stood in front of Cyrus' door, They looked at each other one more time and smiled.

"I had a nice time today Teej. Thanks for this." Cyrus smiled. TJ nodded in agreement. "Of course Cy. Anytime." They hug goodbye, Cyrus rings his doorbell and TJ goes to leave down the steps and onto the sidewalk.

"Hey Cy. Before I forget. I'm gonna need that hoodie back. Just keep it for now return it on Monday." TJ says and Cyrus gives him a cheesy thumbs up. When TJ knew Cyrus made it inside safely, he started his 7 minute walk to his house. After Cyrus walked in his house with a blissful smile and realized two things:
1. TJ is amazing and cares about him so much.
2. He really liked TJ's hoodie. More than he should have.

Onto current times, Andi and Buffy were gushing at Cyrus wearing the blue basketball hoodie. It had 'Kippen' etched into the back along with a black '2' etched right below it. The school's name rung brightly on the front with a soft orange basketball in the center of the hoodie.

"Ooh! Super official! You're wearing the hoodie." Andi squealed. She loved that her best friend found someone and she couldn't be happier. She never thought it'd be TJ, but he notices how he is around Cyrus and believes that he'll treat him right.

"Good for you Cy, but be careful" Buffy says while looking at Cyrus. TJ and Buffy are on good terms for now, but TJ and Cyrus both know that if TJ messes up, he'll be reporting to Buffy and that won't be a good sight at all.

Cyrus nods and Andi elbows Buffy to look towards the doors. "We'll talk to you later" Andi says and Buffy rolls her eyes at her friend's not so subtle way of exiting away from their hoodie donned best friend. As Cyrus looks up to see TJ, he smiles as TJ stops by his locker.

"Hey Cy. How are you?" TJ says softly. The hallways is bustling as always but noone seems to notice the little bubble that TJ and Cyrus always put themselves in when they are talking to each other. "Great Teej. I like your jacket." Cyrus says while reaching for the black leather. "Thanks Cy. I had to wear this because someone has my favorite hoodie." TJ says while raising an eyebrow teasingly.

"Oh this thing? You don't really want this back do you? It's just a basketball hoodie. You can get another one." Cyrus says almost pleading. He's come to enjoy this hoodie over the weekend. It's soft, comfortable and it smelled like TJ: Cologne and Apple shampoo.

"I can and I did but the new one doesn't come in for another month so I'm relying on this one muffin." TJ responds. Before he could say anything, the bell rings for classes to start. "Will you walk me to history please?" Cyrus asked excitedly. TJ just smiles at the happy boy and nods. They walk closely until TJ makes the move to clasp their hands together and Cyrus can't help but giggle. That's one of TJ's favorite sounds. They hug goodbye and TJ can't help but try one more time for his hoodie.

"I'll get my hoodie after the basketball game Cyrus!" TJ says as he walks away.

"Sorry. I couldn't hear you. See you at the basketball game though!" Cyrus feigns innocence. When TJ walked into math, he realized two things.
1. He really hates math.
2. He wasn't getting that hoodie back.

Excuses started to pile. Meeting to return the hoodie after the basketball game turned into the next day, which turned into the next week and months.

TJ now has his new basketball hoodie and Cyrus is proudly wearing the original one. The one he knew he wanted from the beginning. Three months later, TJ and Cyrus decided to meet on the swings again and watch the sunset on their three month anniversary.

After a comfortable silence, Cyrus asked "Hey, do you want your hoodie back?". The teasing tone made TJ laugh a little as he gripped his swing chains a little harder.

"Nah you can keep it. I trust you with it." He says. Cyrus smiled as he touched the hoodie strings.

"Hey TJ?" Cyrus asked. TJ looked at him and gave him a look to continue on with what he had to say.

"I'm pretty sure that...that you umm..." Cyrus stutters out but TJ reaches to grab his hand. "Deep breath and try again underdog. If you don't want to say it after that, then that's okay too." TJ smiles a little at him. He's always going to be there to help Cyrus. Always.

"I can do it." Cyrus mumbles before trying again. "I feel better. Thanks Teej. For everything. I was going to tell you  something important."

"Oh okay Cy. Here, let's get off the swings. It might be better for you." TJ says as he gets off the swing. Cyrus moves clumsily but nevertheless gets up and looks at TJ. TJ waits for Cyrus to speaks and never rushes him to speak.

"I just wanted to say that I'm pretty sure you have my heart but I want you to keep it. I trust you with it." Cyrus smiles. TJ smiles back and kisses Cyrus on the forehead.

"I feel the same way Underdog." TJ notes and they hug each other at the sun sets on them on their three month anniversary.


Thank you all for reading. I am working on a new book called 5 Date Deadline and I think it is going to be awesome! Om so excited about it and THE FIRST CHAPTER IS UP so please go give that some love!

See you all later!

🐦 DAhnaTomlinson
📸MomentsbyMitchell (my photography page) :)

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