Basketball on the Brain

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Hi :) Long time no see. Hope everyone is well.

I'm not a doctor so if it's inaccurate, sorry. I'm just running with my imagination :)

Enjoy :) 


"You seem like a really nice guy but I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

Cyrus's POV

The lights blind me as I open my eyes and see basically the color white surrounding me. I see a whiteboard on the wall in front of me with some of my personal information and in the notes section of it to "Get Better!" with a smiley face right next to it. As I move my head, I hear a gasp and snap my head towards the door.

"He's awake! Cyrus! You're awake!" I see Andi yell by the door and run by my side. She gives me a side hug since I'm in the hospital bed and sets her stuff down and grabs a chair. Andi starts talking rapidly and I laugh for a bit and tell her to slow down. I asked her what happened and now I ended up in the hospital.

"You don't remember Cy?" Andi asked worridly and I shook my head. Before she could explain, I see more people rushing in and my eyes widened. It was two nurses along with Buffy, my parents, and a random guy my age.  "I know you are very excited that Cyrus is awake however this could be very overwhelming for someone who just woke up from head trauma. We might need some of you to leave." The female nurse mentioned. I saw on her nametag that her name was Jackie. The male nurse (whose name was apparently Michael)  explained that they can take turns after they use them for testing. After asking me my name, they asked me what grade I was in for school.

"Easy. Sixth." I say smiling. Jackie turned to Buffy and Andi and they exchanged a worried look. "Cyrus, you're in seventh grade." Buffy said and I gave her a confused look. Michael asked me if I could name everyone in the room and I could, all except one person.

"What about this guy here?" Michael asked. He nudges his head to the boy whose eyes were red rimmed. He was wearing a basketball jersey and was looking at me with nervous eyes. I stare at him for a while and realize that I don't remember him after thinking about it for a while.

"You seem like a really nice guy but I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

Andi and Buffy's eyes widened as I said that. My parents looked worried. Who is this guy and why is everyone giving that look? Michael and Jackie talked a bit back and forth and told me a harrowing truth: I currently don't remember almost a year's worth of memories. They asked me about the year and that confirmed it. "Should we be worried?" My mom asked and the nurses explained how they have to get in contact with the doctor to see how bad it is and run some more tests. It was just what they are observing as of the moment. They believed I would be fine though.

"It'd be helpful if everyone staggered showing Cyrus some memories from this year. That'll get his memory jogging and hopefully being him up to speed." Michael said before leaving the room with Jackie. Everyone decided to take hour shifts to talk to me until I got tired. They started off with my parents and then sent in Buffy. The random guy came in after her and Buffy wished him luck. Why would he need luck for me? I'm not that bad of a person.

"Hi Cyrus. I know you don't remember me and that's okay. My name is TJ. It's nice to meet you...well we've already met but you get it." He nervously laughed. How is it that his laugh made my heart skip a beat? I don't remember him at all. "Hi TJ. Can I ask you some questions to get to know you?" TJ nodded and I asked him about how we met, what we did together and more. A single knock at the door was our way of saying it was five minutes until the next rotation and I heard it after TJ finished his latest sentence. "Umm..last question before you go." I say nervously and picked with my fingers. TJ looked at me with a soft smile, waiting for me to ask.

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