"Who Are You?" Part 2

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I'm really just feeling this story plot



"You're gonna want to remember me sweatervest." He says as he pulls off. I roll my eyes but get excited to see the bus pulls up. I hop on, make it to my dorm, and fall into a deep sleep. I made it.

I wake up the next morning and make it to class barely on time. Yesterday took a toll on me. As I walk in, I hear so many giggles and commotion and wonder what is going on. I almost drop my books when I notice.


What the actual fuck?

Sitting towards the top of the seats with a fucking smirk on his face. He knows what he's doing and he enjoys it. As the professor calms the class down, I try to concentrate but can't due to his burning gaze on the back of my head.

I know it's him...

Or do I wish it was?

I turn for a second while the professor goes on about the food chain and gulp to see that we make eye contact. He raises an eyebrow to me and I immediately turn back to the front.

I'm not sure if I got the answer I wanted because all I did was get confused.

As soon as the professor dismissed, I grabbed my things as fast as I could but I wasn't fast enough. As I turn the corner, I see him leaning against the wall, searching for something

Or someone.

I think I know where this is going.
I walk the other way and as I feel the rush of people around me, it eases up since I look to the left and see him standing by me.

God I need to look at my surroundings more.

"You know damn well I was looking for you." He said, fixing his glance on me. I got quiet before I adjusted myself and got ready to respond.

"How the hell would I know that? There's lots of people in this hallway" I say shrugging it off.

"And yet, I still find my way to you sweatervest...Also, can we get to a first name basis already? Sweatervest is too long of a nickname. Come on." He says while licking his lips.

I pretend I didn't see nor find it interesting.

I scoff "Okay. Who the hell are you? You popped out of nowhere yesterday and today. What's your game?" I say to him with annoyance.

"Oh, am I now someone you want to meet? Most people don't play games with strangers" He says smiling. I run a hand through my hair and look at him.

"Then why does this feel like one?" I asked incredulously and stopped in my tracks. He smirks, shrugs his shoulder and walked in front of me.

"Guess we'll never know....unless you like dancing with danger or even trouble. Let me know when you want to knock on my door." He chucked and with that, he dissappeared just as fast as he appeared by me.

Intrigued was never a good look on me...

But on him?

It looks amazing.


This is fun. Part 3?

Tyrus One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now