College Connections (Part 1)

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{C}{O}{L}{L}{E}{G}{E} {C}{O}{N}{N}{E}{C}{T}{I}{O}{N}{S}

"Cyrus and TJ did so well in Middle school and high school, but they think that was because they were close. What happens when they are not that close to each other?"

Hello hello! I actually used a random generator to come up with this topic and I actually like it a lot. It's giving a glimpse into the future for a little bit. Hopefully you enjoy :)

Cyrus' POV

I'm scared


I'm scared

Cyrus' POV

Today is the day I was dreading


Today is the day I was dreading

TJ and Cyrus' POV


Cyrus' POV

Now don't get me wrong. This is one of the best days of my life as well. I got accepted into Harvard. I am going to the Ivy League school of my dreams. I am accomplishing a goal I set out to do. Problem is, TJ won't be with me. We've been dating since 8th grade. We went to high school together. That is 2 years of crushing on each other and 4 years of being by each other. We didn't have every class but we had lunch, sleepovers, dates, dances, homework, "studying" and more to say the least. We were in the same town.

Now it won't be like that. 

I'm going thousands of miles away and TJ will be here. In town. With just about everyone else actually. I'm going to obviously visit because of The Good Hair Crew and my family but I will genuinely miss my boyfriend.

Since we graduated, who knows what'll happen?


Cyrus and I decided to meet at The Spoon a week after graduation to figure out what we should do next as a couple.

I'm really nervous. Cyrus is one of, if not, the best thing to ever happen to me.

My home life was never good so having him by my side always kept me sane through school. I honestly don't know if I will be able to make college without him.

When he shows up at The Spoon, I jump up and hug him instantly. This could be our last hug as a couple. This could be my only good thing ending. He hugs me back and I can tell the same feeling is there.

We both take a deep breath and began talking.

Talking about everything from communication, to distance and travel. The small stuff. The huge stuff. The important stuff.

We reached the same conclusion.

It won't work.

My heart dropped and I think Cyrus' did too once we talked about everything. We agreed that if it was meant to be, it'll happen and as of now, we can be friends and just see what the future has in hold for us.

"We'll play the long game" He said. "You stay on your path of life and I'll stay on mine and if we meet up again, we meet up again. Is that a deal?"

"Long game? Wrong show. In here, we believe in the universe!" (Does anyone get what reference they are talking about. Hint: It's from another Disney show but it is not airing anymore!)

We laugh, but then reality hit.

I sighed deeply but nodded. 

"I don't want to lose you" I sad sadly while looking down.

Cyrus grabs my hand. "You might think you will lose a part of me, but you won't lose me fully. Okay?"

I nodded and looked up at him. 

"Hey. I love you."

"Hi. I love you too"

*Time skip 3 years later*

College has been better than I thought it would be. Cyrus and I talk on the occasion but I guess we are slowly moving on with our lives.

I decided on photography because taking pictures was always a secret hobby I found fascinating. For a photo essay, I get to travel to different colleges to take photos.

Ironically, I get to travel to Cambridge before my essay due because my mom has a client job there and decided I should go because I needed the exposure and "It would make great pictures sweetie!". 

As I was researching colleges for my photo essay, my heart stop.

Harvard was there. How did I forget that? I would avoid it but Harvard pictures up close and personal along with student models could bring my project from a B to an A in an instant. 

I have to go.

After some hard haggling, the school finally let me do it. Someone (Harvard Honor Student or Admin) just had to be with me at all time. 

Stupid fancy school.

*Arrival in Cambridge at the hotel*

As my mom went to go with her client, I decided to get a head start on my project.

Earlier you start, earlier you're done right?

As I walk onto the campus, I went to  their main building and waited for the honor student that'll be showing me around.

(You see where this is going? lol)

"Mr.Kippen." I hear a bold voice say. I jump up and turn around and then my heart stopped.

"Mr.Kippen, this is Mr. Goodman. He will be showing you around. Mr.Goodman, Please show our guest the finest parts of the campus. He will have only 4 hours to complete this. Afterwards, report back here."

I think Cyrus was at a loss of words because he had to repeat it two times before agreeing.

Cyrus says to follow him and as soon as we get outside, we instantly hug.

"It's so nice to see you" He says smiling.

"You too" I say relieved.


There will be a part 2!

Holy woah! This is ranked! I never had a book rank before so this is really exciting.

#48 in Tyrus! Thank you :)

Leave some comments and another one shot is coming soon!

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