Catching Flights and Feelings

722 23 10

Everyone is 22 :P


"I can't believe I am still doing this" I groaned, looking at the steward attire. I needed a job and my dad is a pilot for an airline. He gave me 6 months to find a job and after countless interviews, no one called me back. 6 months later, I am on Flight 504 from New Orleans to Las Vegas saying "Welcome to your flight" and handing out biscotti cookies and pointing at exits.

"TJ, this isn't that bad. You get to travel the world and be nice to people...Oh wait. I can see how this is hard for you now" My friend Andi teased. "Ha Ha Ha Andi. Very funny." I say while rolling my eyes playfully. Andi is one of the few people who I am friends with. She and I didn't get along at first but after having a tough night from a break up, she gave me a pep talk and now we see each other at a different light.

"You know I love you Teej. Speaking of love, maybe you'll meet a new guy and get over -" Andi starts but I cut her off. Hearing his name is even painful. We broke up two months ago but it is still sad when the person you think you were going to be with forever breaks up with you over a biscotti cookie you bring home from work.


"I doubt that Andi. I don't think I'm meeting my special someone for a while." I say as we set up for the next flight. As people start to board the cabin, I smile my fake smile and say good morning to everyone. The only people that get a genuine smile is Andi and the little kids. Little kids don't deserve a fake smile. As I glance to make sure the commotion in the aisle isn't anything worth moving on, I look back to the front of the line and stop mid "Good morning." This man boarded the plane with a suit and tie on and has thrown me off my game. I gulp and look at him. As he smirks, my eyes widen a little bit.

"Take a picture of me. It'll last longer." He says as he turns to walk down the aisle. I look at him as he winks at me and puts his carryon in the overhead bin and sits down in his seat. "Ooh Teej. That man likes what he sees. You better get his number." Andi says while putting on her lifevest for the video presentation. I take a breath as I glance over at him.

Maybe this flight will be different.

After finishing up the safety video, all the stewards and stewardess' prepared for take-off. Take off and landing makes me feel queasy. It's this feeling I can't describe but I know I don't like it even after working here half a year. Around halfway through the flight, Andi and I prepared the cart for food and drinks and start down the aisles. As we approach the man, I asked him if he would like anything.

"Just your name cutie" He smirks again. I tell him it's TJ and he just nods at me. "I'm Cyrus and I'll take a sprite please." I nod as I fix his drink and as I give it to him, he grabs it, letting his hand stay on mine longer than I expected. "If you can, sit in this empty seat next to me. You're...intriguingly adorable." Cyrus mumbles. I stutter but say "I will if I can" and attempt to push the cart to the next row when he grabs my hand.

"Try to make it work"

He says while looking dead into my eyes. I just nod and move on the aisle behind me, still in shock from what just happened. Andi mouths "You better go to him" and I roll my eyes. After finishing giving out snacks and drinks, Andi and I talked to each other for a bit before she forced me to go sit by Cyrus. When I got to his seat, he smiled and let me through to the seat beside him. We talked about random things from our jobs to our lives and the next 2 hours flew by. Though I was nervous at first, Cyrus put me at ease very quickly. When we went over turbulence on the flight, he grabbed my hand and I started blushing. After that happened, we started talking about our love lives, Cyrus started to lean in close. I gulp as our noses were basically touching.

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